Friday Open Thread
Welcome to your Friday open thread. How many of you are enjoying our very springlike day? Spring is almost officially here! The unofficial start of spring has started already, my crocuses have bloomed.
It’s Friday, Friday, working for the weekend…Welcome to the “world’s worst music video ever.”
Now you’re ready for the weekend! Did you know Sunday came after Saturday? Plus, Rebecca Black had to decide whether to sit in the front or back seat. Decisions!
Donald Trump got a little bit birther-curious in his interview with ABC News, saying of President Obama’s time growing up in Hawaii: “The reason I have a little doubt, just a little, is because he grew up and nobody knew him.”
Trump was speaking with Ashleigh Banfield in an interview that aired Thursday morning, and said “that anybody that even gives any hint” of not believing Obama was born in Hawaii, “they label them as an idiot.”
“Let me tell you, I’m a really smart guy,” Trump said. “I was a really good student at the best school in the country. The reason I have a little doubt, just a little, is because he grew up and nobody knew him.”
I wonder what Donald Trump’s hair thinks? I’m pretty sure it must be sentient. The GOP presidential primary is going to be like a crazy reality show.
I’m sorry this next story is about She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named but it’s really, really funny. Sarah Palin would beat Charlie Sheen for president, but she loses independents and Democrats. Charlie Sheen, BTW, is the most unpopular person ever polled by PPP.
We’ve found a lot of brutal poll numbers for Sarah Palin so far in 2011: down in South Dakota, down in South Carolina, down in Arizona, only up by 1 point in Texas, only up by 1 point in Nebraska to name a few. But this has to be the worst- independent voters say they would support Charlie Sheen over Palin for President by a 41/36 margin. Seriously.
Despite her deficit with independents Palin does lead Sheen 49-29 overall. We also tested Barack Obama against Sheen and the President leads 57-24.
Sheen is one of the most unpopular figures we’ve ever polled on. 10% of Americans rate him favorably to 67% with a negative opinion of him. The only people we’ve ever found worse numbers for are Rod Blagojevich in Illinois (an 8/83 favorability spread), Jesse Jackson Jr. in Illinois (a 10/73 favorability), and Levi Johnston in Alaska (a 6/72 favorability). Sheen’s -57 spread ties what we found for John Edwards in North Carolina the last time we polled him (15/72).
Bwahahahahaha. Run Sarah run! Please!
Tags: Open Thread
“43% of Americans would consider voting for Charlie Sheen over Barack Obama!”
Legal Insurrection
Thursday, March 17, 2011 | William A Jacobson
I have expressed my concerns with Public Policy Polling before. PPP is a traditionally Democratic firm which now is the official pollster for DailKos, and has a tendency to put a heavy spin on its poll results.
Today PPP officially beclowned itself, releasing a poll which, among other things, pitted Charlie Sheen against, respectively, Barack Obama and Sarah Palin.
Do serious pollsters engage in such publicity stunts?
But it gets even worse, because PPP cherry picked the data to spin the poll against Sarah Palin, with this headline, Palin trails Sheen with independents.
And indeed, according to the cross-tabs, Sheen does better with independents versus Palin (41%) as opposed to Obama (22%).
Why focus only on that measure? Isn’t the headline that 24% of the population definitely would choose Charlie Sheen over the sitting President of the United States? Or that another 19% are not sure? How about this headline:
“43% of Americans would consider voting for Charlie Sheen over Barack Obama!”
Or how about this:
“The most media-adored President in history could lose 43% of the vote to Charlie Sheen!”
PPP set out to embarrass Sarah Palin, but ended up embarrassing itself.
If PPP wants to be taken seriously, it should act in a serious manner, and not in the manner we would expect from the official pollster for DailyKos.
Scary idea – St. Bodie Girl considers run for Congress – (comment #77).
Hopefully this is an early April Fools joke. But we all know how these crazy teabaggers think.
Judge Blocks Wisconsin’s Union Busting Bill on Procedural Grounds –
Shorter hmmm: “Why doesn’t a liberal polling outfit spin its results to reflect my conservative bias?”
I’m a fan of bad music, but that was execrable.
“Somewhere around the second note of the eerily auto-tuned song — and its equally unlifelike video — it becomes clear that it’s possible to create something that’s an insult to Kidz Bop.”
Shorter hmmm — I’m clueless enough to not even check on the premises of the BS I post here.
This fool whose content he reported in its entirety here (against the rules) takes issue with the PPP headline on their blog. But does NOT ONE THING except blow alot of hot air to disprove the headline.
Can we impose an Idiot Tax on these people? Talk about wiping out the deficit quickly….
President Obama is finally saying something about Libya.
finally, since the last time he said something about lybia
Finally, since one of the *other* times President Obama has said something about Libya:
Here is a March 11th one as well. …Finally….
I think it is entirely possible that the above wingnut does not know the meaning of the word “finally.”
@MJ – watch out MJ – you might end up on “DEATH ROW”
Seeing as the thread was called “what message deos this send” – I’m wondering, what message DOES this send: “[Re the English language: Nobody ever gets it all right. But Spicola and other cell mates on death row will be exempted from correction in the future.”
Is Fay going to execute someone?
Comment #26
you know how the crazy T-Baggerz are with their 2nd ammendment remedies.
Biden Station, are you kidding me?
I thought you had to croak before getting a building named after you. At least they let a decent interval pass before naming the C&D bridge after Bill Roth. (A real working Senator).
Again, Biden gets shit he didn’t deserve or work for. Boy Biden is following diligently in daddy’s footsteps.
Uncle Vanya
Do you think little Mikey Castle can get a stall in the men’s room named after himself?
Does he still have enough “drag”?
Hey, he rode the choo-choo to Washington from WTS for years.
I thought you had to croak before getting a building named after you.
Bet you thought that when it came to Ronald Reagan Airport. Right?
the Roselle performing arts building would also beg to differ….. as would Trump_________ (insert building type here) and the Rollins building.
it doesn’t count when you name a building after yourself.
Pandora – where is that airport?
In Granada,MJ?
Um… DC.
Skip, you mean Greneda?
Wingnuts are flummoxed by Biden aren’t they?
Whatever the little islands name was where we sent in the troops to save the medical students from a second rate education.
Biden is for liberals what nuclear energy is for conservatives. Even if you don’t like him, you pretend to because it drives the other side up the wall.
I have to admit. I watched this video more than once, to get the opinions of everyone in the house.
But besides the regrettable condition & presence of Usher in this monstrosity, the thing that bothers me most is… why are tweens getting their party on?
It’s not Usher, it’s an Usher wannabe. I don’t think Usher would rap about passing a schoolbus.
How much does it pay?