Delaware Liberal

Friday Open Thread

Welcome to your Friday open thread. How many of you are enjoying our very springlike day? Spring is almost officially here! The unofficial start of spring has started already, my crocuses have bloomed.

It’s Friday, Friday, working for the weekend…Welcome to the “world’s worst music video ever.”

Now you’re ready for the weekend! Did you know Sunday came after Saturday? Plus, Rebecca Black had to decide whether to sit in the front or back seat. Decisions!

I think perhaps Donald Trump is really running for president (major LULZ) because he’s trying to pander to the birthers.

Donald Trump got a little bit birther-curious in his interview with ABC News, saying of President Obama’s time growing up in Hawaii: “The reason I have a little doubt, just a little, is because he grew up and nobody knew him.”

Trump was speaking with Ashleigh Banfield in an interview that aired Thursday morning, and said “that anybody that even gives any hint” of not believing Obama was born in Hawaii, “they label them as an idiot.”

“Let me tell you, I’m a really smart guy,” Trump said. “I was a really good student at the best school in the country. The reason I have a little doubt, just a little, is because he grew up and nobody knew him.”

I wonder what Donald Trump’s hair thinks? I’m pretty sure it must be sentient. The GOP presidential primary is going to be like a crazy reality show.

I’m sorry this next story is about She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named but it’s really, really funny. Sarah Palin would beat Charlie Sheen for president, but she loses independents and Democrats. Charlie Sheen, BTW, is the most unpopular person ever polled by PPP.

We’ve found a lot of brutal poll numbers for Sarah Palin so far in 2011: down in South Dakota, down in South Carolina, down in Arizona, only up by 1 point in Texas, only up by 1 point in Nebraska to name a few. But this has to be the worst- independent voters say they would support Charlie Sheen over Palin for President by a 41/36 margin. Seriously.

Despite her deficit with independents Palin does lead Sheen 49-29 overall. We also tested Barack Obama against Sheen and the President leads 57-24.

Sheen is one of the most unpopular figures we’ve ever polled on. 10% of Americans rate him favorably to 67% with a negative opinion of him. The only people we’ve ever found worse numbers for are Rod Blagojevich in Illinois (an 8/83 favorability spread), Jesse Jackson Jr. in Illinois (a 10/73 favorability), and Levi Johnston in Alaska (a 6/72 favorability). Sheen’s -57 spread ties what we found for John Edwards in North Carolina the last time we polled him (15/72).

Bwahahahahaha. Run Sarah run! Please!

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