Should We Really Be Laughing At Michelle Bachmann?
I hate to be a killjoy, but the news that Michelle Bachmann is running for President is not good news for Democrats, or the country.
Here is how Kos covers it…
An unqualified victory for hilarity:
Washington (CNN) – CNN has exclusively learned that Rep. Michele Bachmann will form a presidential exploratory committee. The Minnesota Republican plans to file papers for the committee in early June, with an announcement likely around that same time.
Bachmann is roughly as quotable as Michael Steele, and as electable as Sarah Palin, so this ought to be entertaining.
And yes, she’s serious about this…
Ha, ha, bloody, ha…. right?
Let’s count the ways that this is bad for America.
- America is now the kind of country where someone like Michelle Bachmann can be elected to Congress and can seriously consider running for President.
- Bachmann is so fucking crazy that all the other crazy ass Republicans will seem sane in comparison.
- Our moronic media will need to treat her idiotic utterances with reverence or risk exposing their liberal bias.
- Dumbass, DC based Democratic strategists (a.k.a. idiot mother-fuckering jerks who can’t get enough of losing) will take any small success she has as a sign that they have to “move to the right.”
- etc, etc….
Honest to god, this is the kind of news that makes me want to move to Canada.
Consider the role that Marine LePen (daughter of Jean-Marie LePen and current head of the far-right National Front [FN] party) is playing in France’s political system. Her (and her father’s) political strength have driven the center right parties to embrace a toned down version of the FN’s rhetoric. French Pres. Sarkozy’s adoption of the far-right’s positions has moved the FN’s xenophobic, anti-immigrant policy suggestions into the mainstream. Fringe candidates that gain substantial followings, like LePen in France or our own Rep. Bachmann, can drive the tone and tenor of political dialogue towards the extremes.
Can and will drive the discourse to the right. Our media, and let’s be frank, our elected Democrats, have no powers of discernment.
Our Democrats seem much more interested in fighting other Democrats.
As far as Bachmann… I’m not sure if it’s really bad news. The Republican Party has shattered into factions – each one willing to take their vote and go home if their “chosen” candidate doesn’t win the nomination. Will Romney supporters vote for Palin or Paul? Would Palin/Bachmann supporters vote for Romney? Unless the Rs find a candidate that appeals to all these factions they’re in trouble.
I think the National Republicans could learn a lot by studying the Castle/O’Donnell race. The DE Tea Party considers the loss of a Senate seat a win.
somewhere Chris Matthews isn’t sure if he should get a hard-on, or an aneurism.
I think you’re overreacting. Marine LePen is a bit more intellignt than Michelle Bachmann.
It would be awesome of she were nominated, or she may be an obligatory VP choice…. especially if $t $arah endorses her. Cant get the teabags without Mbach and cant get nominated without the Bags.
as far as crazy people in the house of representatives, she is hardly unprecedented in extremism, stupidity, or even whorishness. Let’s not for get Grand Wizzard (and democrat) David Duke’s run at power. The red-neck, slack jawed, inbred yokels who inhabit Minn6th will keep her in power because clearly lead has been in their water supply for a few generations. Once people get a good look at her, like Sarah Palin and David Duke, and Ralph Nader, they will see she is nothing more than an attention hungry idiot….or balloon-head.
“Honest to god, this is the kind of news that makes me want to move to Canada.”
I’ll help you pack.
The question is: which is the biggest embarrassment, Krazy Eyez Killer or the idiots who gave her the job?
Excellent points Pandora. However, as with O’Donnell, the more people you have like Bachmann running, the greater the chance that some of them get elected.
True, Jason, (and I was always saying that Palin got way too close to the WH for my peace of mind) but the R factions have all planted their feet. Take a stroll over to Delaware Politics and witness the mess that is the DE GOP. No one is budging – nor will either side be holding their noses and voting for the other.
Losing in the name of purity is considered winning.
But you are very correct in being concerned about the joke the GOP has become – mainly because the media still treat them as a legitimate party.
However, as with O’Donnell, the more people you have like Bachmann running, the greater the chance that some of them get elected.
Which is why we should continue to point and laugh at her. Taking her seriously is the GOP and the so-called liberal media’s job.
Besides — lots of the folks throwing their hats in the ring here pretty much know they won’t get very far. One traditional rationale for getting into the ring is to gather up useful assets and audition for some other Administration job provided your team wins.
The other rationale — and one unique so far to the GOP — is to use a Presidential run as a proxy for your own Fox news show or AM radio show. They do it for publicity and a platform — because the pull of wingnut welfare is awfully strong. Rand Paul is on this trajectory, I believe that Palin is on this trajectory and so is Bachmann. The GOP has the habit of funding their candidates for life (Alan Keyes continues to be able to finance his lifestyle, afterall.) and these people are in it for the money and the attention. Because the media will cover what they say as *controversy* instead of *batshit crazy*.
I actually feel better. Thanks for the therapy session!
She’d be out after Iowa, if not before.
1. I’m proud to be a citizen of a country where ANY OTHER citizen can run for President, no matter how inane. The primary system gets rid of the chaff very quickly and ruthlessly.
2. Too much profanity, grow up and acquire a better vocabulary.
3. Only Fox “News” does this.
4. See #2.
5. etc. etc. doesn’t convince me of nothin’ besides being a lazy, poor writing crutch.
I wish you would run for President, Jason330. You could sell tickets to watch that. LOL
1) That’s because you are a moron.
2) Fuck off.
3) Whatever you were trying to say was muddled by your stupidity.
4) See #2
5) See #4
I just learned something about Bachmann: She has an LL.M degree in tax law – kind of like a masters degree for lawyers.
So when she proposes teabaggy changes to the tax code that make the rich richer and fuck up the middle class even more – she isn’t just being stupid. She knows exactly what the fuck she is doing. She will not be forgiven.
what is more troubling. M-back running? or Trump wanting to throw yet another black family out of their house?
There was some teaparty convention last week in Florida…only 300 people showed up. They havent had a real get together since the election. My question is: why does the lame stream media even mention this bunch of freakazoids. There were 100’s of thousands of people for weeks in the streets in the mid west, and yet lame stream media gave more coverage to Tunisa, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, than Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. I think the baggers realized they were bamboozled and hoodwinked…by Freedom Works and the Koch Brothers so now maybe they will the join up with the workers/middle class and vote with their pocketbooks instead of their teabagger handlers.
Ben: how could you possibly put Ralph Nader in this mix of nuts? Your politically unsavvy.
spare me the Nader worship. He did important things 25 years ago and since then his biggest accomplishment was helping GWB lose by a close enough margin to be given the presidency. He’s an egotistical ideologue who could have been fighting for a better world instead of sure-loss vanity runs for the presidency. He is the left’s Ron Paul.
Look, if the American people are so dumb and self destructive as to elect Bachmann as President , then it deserves to dwindle into oblivion and irrelevance. It will have proven itself to be an experiment that failed.
Nader? Give me a break.
He’s been in the Koch bros back pocket since his investigation of the Saudi camel races.
A long-lashed young dromedary jockey caught his eye and the operatives on his tail didn’t miss a shot.
He’s been paying off like a laundromat in Chinatown ever since.
He probably got off the hook in 2000 when he didn’t drop out when he KNEW he didn’t have a shot and threw the election to the BEAST.
The bigwigs at the GOP probably came up with this idea and encouraging Bachmann to run. She occupies the same niche as Palin, so Bachmann will pull votes away from Palin. GOP headquarters know Palin won’t win in the general, so this is their probable strategy (diluting the palinite faction) of trying to prevent her from getting the nomination. Same thing with Santorum.
I think the GOP nomination will come down to who has the most headspace, i.e. less competition for their type of voters. It’s similar to Behavioral ecology in a way. Only a handful of species can survive in any niche. The rest die off.
Gary Johnson for Prez ’12.
Congress has always been a place where the Michelle Bachmanns can be elected and far, far worse. Criminals, creeps and carmudgeons have always had a place in American politics. Sure,mainstream media is a collection of parrots and ambulance chasers, so what else is new? Will Bachmann out crazy the rest of the field? Not if Newt, Huck, Sarah and the rest can help it. As for DC strategists take heart knowing that the whole city lives in an alternate universe of thier own making and that niether party is competent, creative or sane.