Thursday Open Thread
Welcome to your Thursday open thread. Dang, Wednesday was a really long day for me. Can I just skip Thursday and go straight to Friday? Please?
The Midwest may have a lot of new wing nut governors, but let’s not forget Maine’s new wing nut governor Paul LePage. He won a three-way race and he’s already caused controversy since taking office (remember he was the one who told the NAACP to kiss his butt). Now he’s taking potshots at labor by removing a mural in the state capital that depicts the history of labor.
Acting labor chief Laura Boyett emailed staff Tuesday about the mural’s pending removal, as well as another administration directive to rename several department conference rooms that carry the names of pro-labor icons such as Cesar Chavez.
According to LePage spokesman Dan Demeritt, the administration felt the mural and the conference room monikers showed “one-sided decor” not in keeping with the department’s pro-business goals.
“The message from state agencies needs to be balanced,” said Demeritt, adding that the mural had sparked complaints from “some business owners” who complained it was hostile to business.
Demeritt declined to name the businesses.
Depicting the history of labor is anti-business now? I guess businesses now only need a CEO and other managers. Those production lines just run themselves.
Wingnutterific newspaper The Washington Times published an op-ed on Libya by noted foreign policy expert Ted Nugent. Yes, this Ted Nugent.
Africa isn’t called the Dark Continent for no reason. Africa has forever been a politi- cal nightmare full of overt corruption, tribal warfare, genocide, murderous regimes and brutal dictators.
There is no country in Africa that truly respects freedom or the rule of law. The majority of countries in Africa are in economic ruin because of political corruption and a history ugly with cruel despotism. That’s why starvation and disease are rampant. AIDS is projected to kill as much as half the populations of some countries. Genocide is a way of life. There is little light in Africa.
You stay classy, Ted! Perhaps a few dozen more drafts will make it look less like it was written by a 10th grader.
Tags: Open Thread
Gritting my teeth and hoping Obama misplaces his compromise pen:
Buried Provision In House GOP Bill Would Cut Off Food Stamps To Entire Families If One Member Strikes
The continuing Republican Class War is seen clearly and blatantly in this provision to cut off food stamps to families of strikers. But keep those farm subsidies coming for the rich corporations who dominate America’s food production.
More from the frontlines:
The poor state of Mississippi ownes a Cessna Criterion. It’s a nifty jet that can fly 12 high-rollers and costs a mint to operate. The poor tax-payers of Mississippi foot the bill for Governor Barbour to fly around the country pretending to be doing state business but actually going to Republican fundraisers, football games, Las Vegas, boxing matches, and all the other fun things that high-rollers like to do.
From Politico:
The flight logs obtained by POLITICO indicate that Mississippi has spent more than $500,000 over the past three years on Barbour’s air travel. That total does not include security and other logistical costs associated with his trips. And through a quirk in Mississippi law, whenever the governor is out of state, Mississippi must pay the lieutenant governor a salary differential as acting governor.
Read more:
It appears that the Westboro Bullies are going to picket Elizabeth Taylor’s funeral. How much you want to bet they get nowhere near the cemetery? Maybe we can hope that they run into car trouble on the way out to LA.
Lawmakers in Florida and Iowa consider bills to criminalize going undercover and taking pictures of animals in distress.
They are not criminalizing the mistreatment of these animals — just the people who are trying to bring this mistreatment to your attention.
If they’ll couple it with jail terms for people who go “undercover” to expose Planned Parenthood, NPR and Democratic Senators, I’ll sign.
I just cannot believe James O’Keefe is still out on the streets. Incredible.
Vermont preparing to vote for single payer health care. It will pass easily. NH, Maine and Pa are next. Delaware will as usual be last.
Brietbart off the front page at HuffPo.
If the HuffPo can be pressured into yanking AB due to “racially-charged and factually-challenged political activism” then surely we can get Curley pulled from the air. What he says makes this stuff seem tame by comparison.
Sec Clinton is about to speak about handing control to NATO…. cautious optimism in effect.
“They are not criminalizing the mistreatment of these animals — just the people who are trying to bring this mistreatment to your attention.”
You won’t find me on PETA’s mailing list, but that’s deplorable. I hope the bill fails.
The only way to get the Fatman off the air is to put pressure on the advertisers.
Mongo thinks the above commenters is correct.
Advertisers are the Achilles heel of hate radio. The station would love it if people picketed the station. They probably also appreciate letters to the editor denouncing their work. All of these actions lead to notoriety, which leads to ratings. Advertisers are another story, however. Ratings mean nothing if people are not buying the ads.
We must listen to Curly, recording his hate, his lies, his nasty comments. The first thing these clowns do when challenged on their hate is to say they never said that. Wgmd does not post full podcasts of the shows, so we have to record the shows.
Armed with the proof of his words, we can approach the advertisers, asking them if they are aware that they are financing this hate.
The roadmap is there. It’s been done before.
First rule of ratfucking: Don’t get caught.
Well, it appears that the Westboro bastards missed their chance to picket Liz Taylor’s funeral. Since she was Jewish, her burial occurred today, which is customary.
Great link, anon! So this guy was advising Walker to pull a Morton Downey on himself?!? That seems about their speed. Truth be told, I could help Walker out if he wants a lump up.
This guy is Evan’s :dream date. I might have made an offensive comment but he’s a tunnel ratfucker.
HA we showed those goyem!
“… I could help Walker out if he wants a lump up.”
Props to you sir, on one very fine turn of a phrase. I first misread it and thought it was , “…wants to lump up.”
Similar verbification construction to the phrase, “to lawyer up”
Agreed MJ, I think you would suprised who would help pressure the advertisers. Many on the right and in the center realize what a cancer hisshow is too. We just need a few activists to get the ball rolling.
Senator Ted on the Wall Street reform victory:
Read the whole thing: How Wall Street Crooks Get Out of Jail Free