Delaware Liberal

What’s Up With Indiana?

There’s something in the water that Indiana state prosecutors drink. A second Indiana prosecutor has resigned after sharing his opinion on the protests in Wisconsin. (The first resignation was the Deputy AG who suggested that protesters should be shot with live ammunition). This one is crazy:

A deputy prosector in Johnson County, Indiana, has resigned his job after it was revealed that in February, during the large protests in Wisconsin over Gov. Scott Walker’s anti-public employee union bill, he e-mailed Walker’s office and recommended that they conduct a “false flag operation” — to fake an assault or assassination attempt on Walker in order to discredit the unions and protesters.

As Wisconsin Watch, a project of the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism reports, Carlos Lam initially denied that he had sent the e-mail, which was part of the tens of thousands of e-mails released in an open-records settlement the Walker administration reached with the local paper the Isthmus and the Associated Press.

When contacted by Wisconsin Watch, Lam had initially denied sending the e-mail, claiming that he had been the victim of identity theft, and said he did not support the criminal activities described in the e-mail: , “I think he’s trying to do what he has to do to get his budget balanced. But jeez, that’s taking it a little bit to the extreme.”

However, Lam admitted late in the afternoon that he did send the e-mail, and resigned his job.

The protesters in Wisconsin have starkly revealed the tactics and corruption in the right wing. Even Scott Walker admitted to considering planting violent people in the crowds to discredit the protesters. Fox News was so desperate to portray the protesters as violent they used footage of different protests. That shows how effective the protests have been.

Update: WOW, go read this post at TPM. The post details a story about a professor at the University of Wisconsin who wrote about Scott Walker and described the role of ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. Soon after he wrote this, he got served with a FOIA request for his university emails. It looks like the government harassment of professors is growing to professors outside the field of climate change.

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