Delaware Liberal

Thursday Open Thread

Welcome to your Thursday open thread. I got nothin’ what do you have?

The Tea Party Nation is trying to raise money with concerns about endangered species:

Now, the Phillips group wants to raise awareness about a potentially existential threat to the United States: White people are going extinct. Via Right Wing Watch, here’s an email sent out by Tea Party Nation today:

Child bearing has become something distasteful to many women, an unwanted and painful experience to be avoided rather than embraced.

All of these programs, ideals and ideologies are doing one thing and one thing only – reducing America core TFR [total fertility rate] to the point of no return. The White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) population in America is headed for extinction and with it our economy, well-being and survival as a uniquely America culture.

This county is dying not because it is aging, it is dying because of infertility as public policy.

WASPs, I believe you just got your marching orders. The Tea Party Nation commands you to go make some babies.

Andrew Breitbart says he’s looking forward to the Shirley Sherrod case because it’s all about the Pigford settlement.

In an interview with TPM following his speech before the True the Vote national summit on Saturday, Breitbart said that the Sherrod story — in which Breitbart’s Big Government website posted what turned out to be a selectively edited video clip of Sherrod that made it appear as though she was bragging about discriminating against a white farmer — has always been about the Pigford settlement, even if he didn’t realize it in the beginning.

“I still stand by everything I said in the past as it relates to that story,” Breitbart said. “I’m excited for the discovery phase of this. I wasn’t intimidated by her saying … her slander saying that I want to, you know, bring blacks to slavery. What a predictable methodology of attack by the left. You know everyone is worried about slander — what she said to me is slanderous.”

“This is about Pigford. It has always been about Pigford. The court case will prove this beyond a reasonable doubt,” Breitbart said.

I am not a lawyer, but I don’t see what this has to do with whether he released a selectively edited video to the media which harmed Sherrod’s reputation and cost her a job. Shouldn’t he be careful about what hemsays about the case? *scratches head*

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