Archive for March, 2011

Another Governor says “F-you!” to the Governed

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011 23 Comments

60 percent of Pennsylvanians would still support taxing the natural gas drillers at a rate similar to the other energy-producing states.”

Too bad those 60 percent of Pennsylvanians didn’t contribute $1.2 million to Corbitt’s recent election campaigns like the oil-and-natural gas interests did.

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Return Of The Angry Town Halls

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011 7 Comments

The angry Town Halls are back! This time it’s Republicans feeling the heat from constituents.

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Guest Post from DFA — Netroots Nation Scholarship Competition Launches

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011 1 Comment

Most of our regular readers know about Netroots Nation and believe it or not, that time of the year is coming up again. I’ve never been and I *really* want to go — the schedule has just never quite worked. In any event, Democracy for America sponsors attendees to this conference every year by providing scholarships to progressive bloggers and activists who couldn’t otherwise go.

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12% of Nothing is Nothing

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011 5 Comments

If you can get through this, Donviti actually makes a good point. With Union membership at 12% and the wealth of the country concentrated at the very top, the plutocratic overlords who call all the shots have the middle class arguing over a pittance. (What is one value less than a pittance? A dribble?)

I know there are bigger issues involved, but from a practical perspective, even if Scott Walker backs down and allows Wisconsin unions to the right to “collective bargaining” the unions will have won the right to try and grab a handful of steam.

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Jack Pot?

Filed in National by on March 8, 2011 21 Comments

I’m not in favor of giving the current casino operators a perpetual monopoly, but I’m also not a fan of trying to gamble our way back to prosperity by adding more casinos.

BTW – Since studies have shown that casino gambling is a tax on poor people, I wonder if anyone will suggest that rich people should have their taxes raised as well?

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International Women’s Day and Daniel Craig Wears Heels to Celebrate

Filed in International by on March 8, 2011 16 Comments

And good for him, too. March 8th is International Women’s Day and this year’s UN theme is: Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women. In the UK, this Day is a chance to remind residents that equality is still a work in progress — featuring the fabulous Daniel Craig and the voice of Dame Judy Dench:

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Delaware Undiluted Episode 2 – El Somnambulo

Filed in National by on March 8, 2011 4 Comments

A word of caution, children, before we discuss the arcane ways of the redistrictor: some mysteries were not meant for man to understand. Redrawing election district lines is cartographic devilry of a black and necromantic sort, dreamed up by the twisted designs of sinister vote counting gods, existing purely to tempt and destroy mankind with its elusive secrets.

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Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 8, 2011 5 Comments

The Tuesday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Time To Make the Districts

Filed in National by on March 8, 2011 11 Comments

OK, kids, time to play the political equivalent of fantasy baseball. Sign up now. This opportunity only comes along once every ten years. The numbers are out and the numbers have been loaded into the Leg Hall computers. John Tobin is likely to go days without sleep. I just can’t wait.  To make sure we’re […]

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Fair & Balanced

Filed in National by on March 8, 2011 25 Comments

I’ve decided the media isn’t really biased politically as we think of it, but biased by class.

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Program Note: Delaware Undiluted is Coming to Git Ya!

Filed in National by on March 8, 2011 3 Comments

Tonight my guest will be international signing sensation, movie and television star Mac Davis who will entertain us with his brand of folksy comedy/country music improv.

Wait…no it isn’t. It is international signing sensation, movie and television star EL SONAMBULO who will entertain us with his brand of folksy comedy/country music improv and insight into Delaware’s funky, chunky, skunky politic goings on.

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A Glimpse of Tea Party America

Filed in National by on March 7, 2011 5 Comments

We will not have to worry about bridges to nowhere, because there will be no bridges. I’m also looking forward to intersections like this one… [youtube][/youtube]

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Wisconsin protests—now with farmers (and tractors)

Filed in National by on March 7, 2011 9 Comments
Wisconsin protests—now with farmers (and tractors)

I’m just reposting this from boing boing because it is cool and because farming is inherently socialistic.

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