Archive for March, 2011

Anti-Abortion Publicity Stunt Fails

Filed in National by on March 3, 2011 6 Comments

A publicity stunt arranged by an anti-abortion group failed when an ultrasound failed to detect a heartbeat in a 9-week-old fetus.

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Comment Rescue: Delaware Exceptionalism

Filed in National by on March 3, 2011 25 Comments

I don’t buy this Kavips comment. I think that there is something here, but I also think that Delaware’s exceptionalism can be better explained by a less Rube-Goldbergian sequence of events. A remnant of Eisenhower Republicans remain here in Delaware and they still regard themselves as human beings first and conservatives second. That’s the simple explanation. We are not the Swiss. We are not a blogging Athens, to the rest of the county’s Fox News Sparta.

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PDD Meeting Liveblog

Filed in Delaware by on March 2, 2011 14 Comments

The Progressive Democrats for Delaware are holding their will meeting at 7 pm, and I will be liveblogging our speakers below. Check below in the comments. Good turnout so far. State Senator Margaret Rose Henry will discuss Senate Bill 17 (SB17), the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act. Emily Knearl from Planned Parenthood of Delaware will speak […]

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Chris Christie Drinking the Chris Christie Kool Aid

Filed in National by on March 2, 2011 4 Comments

Proving that being the “it boy” to the DC media can go to ones head.

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 2, 2011 8 Comments

The Wednesday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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David Anderson is Lying To Dover Voters

Filed in National by on March 2, 2011 84 Comments

Anderson’s campaign facebook page:

Affiliation: non partisan

Really David?

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Tornoe’s Toon: Christine Can’t Write and Dance at the Same Time

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 2, 2011 2 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: Christine Can’t Write and Dance at the Same Time

O’Donnell turning down “Dancing With The Stars” is bad for cartoonists, but great for just about everyone else.

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Delaware’s 9-12 Patriots Turn Me Down Cold

Filed in National by on March 2, 2011 29 Comments

Delaware Patriots sure clam up quick when they get emails from liberals. I might go so far as to say that they are chicken shits.

You read the email trail and decide.

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New Castle County Council At War, Part 2

Filed in Delaware by on March 2, 2011 13 Comments

New Castle County Council members Bill Bell, Penrose Hollins, Joe Reda, Tim Sheldon, George Smiley and Jea Street were absent from last night’s meeting to deny quorum.

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PDD Meeting Tonight: Medical Marijuana, Reproductive Freedom and Marriage Equality

Filed in National by on March 1, 2011 7 Comments

The Progressive Democrats for Delaware will be holding their monthly meeting tonight at the Delaware Democratic Headquarters in New Castle, and they will have Senator Margaret Rose Henry there to discuss the medical marijuana bill, as well as representatives from Equality Delaware and the ACLU to discuss the civil union bill, and Planned Parenthood to discuss women’s freedom of choice. If you support these causes, we need to see you there.

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Huckabee Tells A Lie – Which Will Become The Tea Party’s “Truth” In 5… 4… 3…

Filed in National by on March 1, 2011 24 Comments

I honestly expected honesty from a former preacher who constantly plays up how moral and religious he is. Mike Huckabee: During a radio appearance yesterday, Mike Huckabee repeatedly falsely claimed that President Obama grew up in Kenya. After questioning Obama’s purported secrecy about the birth certificate, radio host Steve Malzberg asked Huckabee if “we deserve […]

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Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 1, 2011 15 Comments

The Tuesday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Calling Their Bluff

Filed in National by on March 1, 2011 5 Comments

President Obama has expressed support for a bill sponsored by Ron Wyden and Scott Brown that will move up the date at which states can put in their own health care reform ideas.

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