Archive for March, 2011

Devasting Earthquake And Tsunami In Japan

Filed in International by on March 11, 2011 11 Comments

An 8.9 earthquake and tsunami hit the northeastern coast of Japan today. It’s the 5th strongest earthquake ever recorded according to USGS.

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Metaphor Misfire: Rand Paul Edition

Filed in National by on March 11, 2011 12 Comments

Rand Paul claims it’s easier to get an abortion than to buy a toilet.

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Sussex Teabag Sheriff Jeff Christopher Gunning for a Show Down w/ SC County Council

Filed in National by on March 10, 2011 41 Comments

Electing a Teabag is a bad idea. Electing a Teabag to a job where they get a badge and a car with lights on top is a really bad idea.

You see, the “Sheriff” in Sussex is supposed to be an officer of the court who serves legal documents and oversees foreclosures. The Sheriff is not supposed to be a six gun slinging, Chuck-Fucking-Norris-wanabee, who crashes through saloon doors to blast away at liberals, Mexicans, gays and other low life saloon dwellers.

But Jeff Christopher is that Teabag Sheriff. His letters reveal him to be the kind of nutbag that you don’t want in office. He thinks that Sussex needs the wild west sort of Sheriff to protect the “Constitution” which he says is under attack and he is fixing for a showdown on March 15th to settle the question of what type of Sheriff he is going to be

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Wingnut America To Adam Smith, “Drop Dead”

Filed in National by on March 10, 2011 9 Comments

In the wingnut Republic that America is fast becoming, NPR can survive without a government subsidy, but Exxon-Mobil can’t. Check out this interview of Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX)—he of apologizing to BP fame—by ABC on Wednesday. Pressed repeatedly by Jon Karl to stake out a position on tax credits enjoyed by offshore oil companies, Barton […]

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Newt’s Run For The GOP Nomination Over Before it Starts

Filed in National by on March 10, 2011 3 Comments

“Newt’s Patriotjismexcuse scuttles what could have been an entertaining comic romp akin to Steve Martin’s “The Jerk.”

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Rep Keith Ellison Breaks Down in King’s Witchhunt Hearings

Filed in National by on March 10, 2011 18 Comments

Rep. Keith Ellison is the only Muslim member of Congress.  Today he spoke before Peter King’s hearings about radicalized Islam in America.  This is the conclusion of his remarks, he tells a moving story of a Muslim-American being posthumously demonized. [youtube][/youtube] I find it inconsistent that Muslims are oversensitive when leaders paint them and their […]

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 10, 2011 21 Comments

The Thursday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Time To Make the Districts: Part Deux

Filed in National by on March 10, 2011 6 Comments

In Which We Create Two A Brand New Senate Districts. OK, some simple math. If you create two new senate districts, and if you leave the total number of senate districts at 21, then two existing districts must disappear. In our last, perhaps too much ‘inside baseball’- laced treatise, I identified Senate District 3, currently […]

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NPR – “Please Stop Hurting Us”

Filed in National by on March 10, 2011 22 Comments

NPR gives in to right wing bullies, not that it will help them any.

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Wisconsin GOP Senators Pass Stand-Alone Anti-Union Bill Without Democrats Present

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011 34 Comments

Watch the live feed from Madison here.
Give $25.00 to support the recall effort: here.

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Newt Gingrich Committed Adultery Because He Loves America – You can’t make this up.

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011 14 Comments

Newt was too busy loving America and defending the our national honor to be faithful to his wife. That talking point should clear the way for the nomination.

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011 7 Comments

The Wednesday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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Fox News Celebrates International Women’s Day

Filed in National by on March 9, 2011 38 Comments
Fox News Celebrates International Women’s Day

Fox’s Megyn Kelly asks if she was askin’ for it.

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