Delaware Liberal

Friday Open Thread

Welcome to your Friday open thread. It’s not just Friday, it’s April 1st, AKA, April Fools’ Day. Did you pull any pranks for April Fools’ Day? Share them below.

The Chemistry Blog has a great post called “Better Pranking Through Chemistry.” The one below (“Gallium Spoon”) is my favorite, but go to the blog to see other videos like “Explosive Ketchup,” “Burning Money, “Liquid Nitrogen Flower.”

Standard warning: folks, don’t try this at home.

Despite the DADT repeal law, DADT remains in effect in the military (it’s in an implementation period). In fact, some commanders are enforcing DADT and there was a hearing just this week for Petty Officer 2nd Class Derek Morales.

As the detailed on March 30, Morado’s case began when “he posted a photo of himself on his MySpace page [in 2009] kissing another man. … A senior enlisted man in his ordnance and weapons unit turned him in, he said, and an admiral signed off on discharge proceedings.”

As to Morado’s efforts in advance of the hearing to reach out to Get Equal, director Robin McGehee said, “He was unsure what the process was going to be like and, just like us, very perplexed that he was hearing all these celebratory reports about repeal and why his hearing was continuing.

“For him, he was baffled …. He thought for sure his hearing was going to be put on hold,” she added. “He was fearful that they were trying to make this happen before implementation.”

Following today’s hearing, the panel recommended Morado’s retention in a 3-0 decision, according to an email sent by Get Equal this evening, which a lawyer familiar with the DADT discharge process said ends the case and allows Morado to continue serving.

I guess there is still some confusion about the law but this hearing just sounds vindictive. Why would you try to discharge someone when within months they wouldn’t be discharged? I’m glad Morales won his case but it is puzzling.

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