Delaware Liberal

Governor Markell stands up to the NRA

As you know, Governor Markell has proposed four pieces of common sense gun control legislation:

1. Improving Reporting to Federal NICS Database (HB 48) — this bill creates an exception to Delaware’s Mental Health Patients’ Bill of Rights for reporting information to the federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

2. Disposal of Seized Firearms (HB 46) — This is pretty self explanatory. And yes, this bill does provide a process for legal gun owners to reclaim seized guns.

3. Closing the Gun-Show Loophole (SB 39) — This bill would requiring vendors to have a licensed firearms dealer perform a background check prior to the sale, delivery or transfer of any firearm at a gun show. Under existing law, firearms dealers are already required to perform background checks on the buyer or transferee in private sales.

4. Banning Possession of Weapons by Individuals Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs (SB 29) — This bill would make it illegal for individuals to possess firearms outside of their homes while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Last week, two fathers of victims from the Virginia Tech shooting met with Governor Jack Markell in support of the above package of gun safety bills, saying these bill are examples of “common sense safety.”

Governor Markell then said, early on in the video, “Within in a couple of hour of my making these proposals, the NRA called their members and said I was trying to take their guns away, which is absurd. Where is the place for common sense? Where is the place for common sense? And they think that we are going to roll over. And we’re not. And when you hear this kind of story, about Colin, about Mary, and who knows who else, I don’t care what kind of pressure they [the NRA] apply, if this can save one life, it’s worthwhile.

The full video is below. More of this from all Democrats everywhere, for the love of God. Stand up and fight.

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