Free Market Rules
Like many single teen mothers with a GED, Bristol Palin had many lucrative job offers to sort through. She chose a job teaching about abstinence, since it’s a subject she knows a lot about. Obviously her lectures are very effective because she made a huge salary:
In 2009, Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol joined a teen pregnancy prevention nonprofit called the Candie’s Foundation. Today, the Associated Press reported that the Candie’s Foundation released its 2009 tax information, revealing that Bristol was paid a salary of $262,500.
Bristol’s message of don’t do what I did my baby is the greatest thing ever resonates with the public. It’s so effective that the Candies Foundation doesn’t need to do anything else to actually prevent teen pregnancy.
But a closer examination of the tax form by ThinkProgress shows that the group disbursed only $35,000 in grants to actual teen pregnancy health and counseling clinics: $25,000 to the Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center and $10,000 to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.
That’s right – Bristol Palin is 7x more effective than health and counseling for teenagers.
Tags: Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin, WTF?
“Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.” – John Maynard Keynes
There have been few greater examples of that truism than this one.
Wingnut welfare on steroids.
“That’s right – Bristol Palin is 7x more effective than health and counseling for teenagers.”
The more likely scenario is that she reaches 7x the number of people than counselors. Love her or hate her she gets eyeballs.
Is it just me, or is Justme proving that there is no wingnut welfare outage that can’t be rationalized away by true believers?
A “non-profit” organization that spends 7x as much on one celebrity speaker than on actual counseling is skirting the meaning of the term “non-profit.” I’m not even bringing up the issue of the towering insanity of sending a single mom who has suffered not one whit from her decision out to preach “do not do what I have done, even though it’s paying me more than any of you will ever earn.”
$262,000? golly, that would pay for almost 8 speaches by Snooki.