Cathy Cloutier Wants You To Have A Great Day!!

Filed in National by on April 15, 2011

Some things I just can’t make up.

My wife and I are headed to where I work, and what should greet us at the intersection of Foulk and Grubb Roads?

A large blue sign that reads:

“Have A Great Day!!

State Senator Cathy Cloutier

5th District”.

That’s it. Wasn’t there yesterday. May not be there tomorrow. But let the public record show that, on April 15, 2011 (Tax Day, no less), Cathy Cloutier wanted us to have a great day!! And for you spoilsports who would decry a political sign popping up in April of the year before the election, let me correct you. It isn’t a political sign, it’s a “Have A Great Day!!” sign. And the two explanation points prove that she reallyreally means it.

BTW, when she wrote “Have A Great Day!!”, I assume that she meant everybody. Even the gays.


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  1. In response to e-mails I’ve received suggesting that perhaps I’d misread the sign, and that Cathy was apologizing to her equal rights constituency in her own way, I double-checked. The sign reads “Have A Great Day!!”, NOT “Have A Great Gay!!”

  2. BTW, I need the help of all you logicians out there. If a Cathy Cloutier sign appears for one day urging you to “Have A Great Day!!”, does that mean that, should the sign never appear again, Cathy Cloutier does NOT want you to “Have A Great Day!!” ever again?

  3. This one’s for the lawyers. If A Cathy Cloutier “Have A Great Day!!” sign is posted in the forest, but nobody’s around to read it, does it need to have the “Paid for By…” disclaimer on it?

  4. Dana Garrett says:

    Since CC can *want* you to have a great day w/o expressing it, logically she can want you to have a great day any day even she only expresses it once.

  5. Dana, I have one problem with your logic.

    Let’s assume that she wants you and the entire human race to “Have A Great Day!!” every day (maybe even nice cuddly animals, too, although they can’t read, or so they’d have us believe). Why, oh why then, did she feel the need to put a “Have A Great Day!!” sign up TODAY? In what way is this day different from all other days? (For some reason that I can’t quite figure out, I have the overwhelming urge to open a Hagadah right now.)

    Plus, is the past grandfathered in? Does she only want us to have great days from this day forward, or does the appearance of this sign mean that she has always wanted us to ‘Have A Great Day!!” EVERY day?

    You see why such profound puzzles trouble me so? Help me out, oh wise one.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    ES – Complete misreading.

    Someone out there was wishing Cathy Cloutier a great day with poor punctuation. It should have been:

    Have a Great Day, Cathy Cloutier!!

    Then, realizing that there may be more than one Cathy Cloutier, this intrepid well-wisher further clarified that this was only directed at the Cathy Cloutier from the 5th district.

    Don’t sweat the misinterpretation. English isn’t your first language and the intricacies of English are multitudinous.

  7. heragain says:

    Ya know, given the number of R’s who clearly want us to F-off and die, I’ll take it… temporary or not. 😉

  8. Another Mike says:

    I’ve met Cathy, and she is a very nice lady. However, when I’m at the intersection of Foulk and Grubb — which is quite often — I’d rather be greeted by the smell of wings or ribs from Stanley’s Tavern!!

  9. Delaware Libertarian says:

    Even though I wish she voted for SB30 and not ‘present’, lay off on Cathy. She sent me a card on my birthday. (I don’t know how she knew which day was my birthday, I never met her).

  10. Delaware Libertarian says:

    Colin Bonini for Congress ’12 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cathy Cloutier for US Senate ’12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gary Johnson/Mitch Daniels for President ’12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m actually cool with Markell so far (despite his anti-gun shenanigans), so I won’t go all in with the exclamation points against him. He hasn’t raised any taxes yet, which is more than I can ask for a Democrat. And he’s done this without any big protests from state Democrats. So in that sense, he’s better than a Republican. State Senate Democrats would put up a lot more pressure to increase taxes if a Republican governor proposed the same budget presented by Markell.

  11. Delaware Libertarian says:

    But if Cloutier wants to become US senator, she is going to have up the ante on the exclamation points. Two just doesn’t cut it.

  12. Delaware Libertarian says:

    And while we’re on the subject, I can’t help, but share these clips:

  13. Auntie Dem says:

    She lost a lot of votes on Thursday and November 2012 isn’t that far away.

  14. Dana Garrett says:

    ES, a rudimentary knowledge of the typical Republican mentality suffices to answer your question. Even though CC wishes you a great day everday, you and others especially need to hear the expression of it on 4/15 because it’s tax day and we all know (via GOP logic) how traumatizing that is. So, in other words, CC chose the most needful day the year for her well wishes.

  15. El Somnambulo says:

    Dana, your explanation makes great sense. And here I thought it was maybe the Brandywine High School Prom…or the First Seder for Passover.

    Which reminds me, had you been present for the First (ever) Seder, you’d have been one of those rabbis contemplating exactly how many plagues were visited on the Egyptians after all. Me, the fewer plagues the better. After all, who wants to spill even one drop of wine (unless it’s Manischewitz)?

  16. I’m sad because Cathy Cloutier hasn’t wished me a nice day.

  17. Dana Garrett says:

    “You’d have been one of those rabbis contemplating exactly how many plagues were visited on the Egyptians after all.”

    Well, it is important to be precise. I also know how many angels can sit on the eye of a needle. 47.

  18. skippertee says:

    I’m with the geek.
    Why,in god’s name, would SHE post this sign on April 15th, generally considered the most nefarious Federal day on the calendar?
    [It really should be a holiday]
    I think an ally put it up. A stupid one who failed English.
    BTW, geek, have you ever see NIGHTMARE ALLEY ?
    Great geek movie.

  19. El Somnambulo says:

    You’re not gonna believe this. It looks like a PERMANENT sign. Wooden posts sunk in what looks like concrete. No doubt she probabaly batted her eyes at whomever owns the Professional Center adjacent to the sign.

    I simply can’t quantify just how pathetic this is. When you are completely devoid of accomplishments, intellect or moral compass after 20 years in Dover, you’re forced to resort to that?

  20. skippertee says:

    If I was the owner of the Professional Center I would have held out for a “Butterfly Flick*”.
    [See Xavier Hollander’s THE HAPPY HOOKER]

  21. anon says:

    Is it at least seven feet from the street?

  22. El Somnambulo says:

    Didn’t check, but I’m guessing yes. I’m sure you’re referencing DELDOT ROW.

  23. Free Market Democrat says:

    A Cathy Cloutier election sign held that spot in November. The property is owned by the dentist group that owns the building across Grubb and Stanley’s Tavern. It is also interesting to note that the Cloutier election campaign has received hundreds of dollars from DENPAC, Delaware’s dental association political action committee. Now, I’m not anti-dentite, but I have to wonder how she voted on Rep. Bryon Short’s bill on inspecting medical facilities that included dentists offices.

  24. jason330 says:

    It sort of explains the sign I saw just prior to dinner.

    “Have The Petit Filet !!

    State Senator Cathy Cloutier

    5th District”.

    it is the nanny state gone wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Jason, this is downright eerie. Took a different route home last night and saw a sign that read:

    “Have the Mango Sorbet!!

    State Senator Cathy Cloutier

    5th District”

    She’s got both the entree AND the dessert vote sewn up!! Political and gustatory genius!!

    (Unless you’re a vegan, which, for Cathy, is sorta the foodie equivalent of being gay.)

  26. skippertee says:

    Now I’m gonna have to take a ride after the rush.