Delaware Liberal

Crossing the Line (Again)

It didn’t take long for some of our less informed denizens of Sussex County to blow a gasket over the passage of SB 30.

Today, the Fatman over at WGMD was spitting nails. He adamant that SB 30 was “a gay marriage bill, let’s not fool ourselves. We need to call it what it is.” Then he took to the phones.

Angie from Angola, one of the Fatman’s regulars, called in and started on a rant of how the passage of this equal rights legislation was wrong and asked “what happened to we the people? How can 41 people in Dover make this decision for the entire State?” And of course, the Fatman was egging her on.

Well, Angie, you might have been asleep during that lesson in Civics class, or maybe you were behind the bleachers smoking when you should have been in class. Either way, if you had been in class, you would have learned that here in America, we have something called “democracy.” And in a “democracy,” we have things called “elections.” And the people who win those “elections,” get to introduce things called “legislation.”

Oh hell Angie & Fatman, watch this (it’s been dumbed down so you can easily understand it):

Now you basically know how SB 30 was passed. The 62 members of the Delaware General Assembly voted and the bill is on its way to the governor for signature.

But then Angie went further. “Because this bill passed, we can’t lock these people up for sodomy. We should be able to arrest these people for sodomy.” The Fatman should have done the responsible thing and point out to Angie that (a) Delaware does not have any sodomy laws on the books and (b) there was this little Supreme Court decision called Lawrence v. Texas which ruled that sodomy laws were unconstitutional. But Angie kept on and the Fatman only encouraged her.

The next caller kept up the line about the legislature not being responsible to the people, wherein the Fatman said “well, I believe that if we can’t get what we want a the ballot box, we’ll have to get out a box of cartridges.” So once again, the Fatman shows his true colors. He (and many of his teabagging friends) doesn’t believe in the Constitution or the rule of law, he openly advocates the violent overthrow of our government. And it’s time that the management of WGMD send this yahoo back to upstate New York. It is irresponsible to keep this man on the air.

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