Crossing the Line (Again)

Filed in Delaware by on April 15, 2011

It didn’t take long for some of our less informed denizens of Sussex County to blow a gasket over the passage of SB 30.

Today, the Fatman over at WGMD was spitting nails. He adamant that SB 30 was “a gay marriage bill, let’s not fool ourselves. We need to call it what it is.” Then he took to the phones.

Angie from Angola, one of the Fatman’s regulars, called in and started on a rant of how the passage of this equal rights legislation was wrong and asked “what happened to we the people? How can 41 people in Dover make this decision for the entire State?” And of course, the Fatman was egging her on.

Well, Angie, you might have been asleep during that lesson in Civics class, or maybe you were behind the bleachers smoking when you should have been in class. Either way, if you had been in class, you would have learned that here in America, we have something called “democracy.” And in a “democracy,” we have things called “elections.” And the people who win those “elections,” get to introduce things called “legislation.”

Oh hell Angie & Fatman, watch this (it’s been dumbed down so you can easily understand it):

Now you basically know how SB 30 was passed. The 62 members of the Delaware General Assembly voted and the bill is on its way to the governor for signature.

But then Angie went further. “Because this bill passed, we can’t lock these people up for sodomy. We should be able to arrest these people for sodomy.” The Fatman should have done the responsible thing and point out to Angie that (a) Delaware does not have any sodomy laws on the books and (b) there was this little Supreme Court decision called Lawrence v. Texas which ruled that sodomy laws were unconstitutional. But Angie kept on and the Fatman only encouraged her.

The next caller kept up the line about the legislature not being responsible to the people, wherein the Fatman said “well, I believe that if we can’t get what we want a the ballot box, we’ll have to get out a box of cartridges.” So once again, the Fatman shows his true colors. He (and many of his teabagging friends) doesn’t believe in the Constitution or the rule of law, he openly advocates the violent overthrow of our government. And it’s time that the management of WGMD send this yahoo back to upstate New York. It is irresponsible to keep this man on the air.

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A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (43)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    As I have said many times before, if the teabaggers want to get violent, it would make my day.

  2. pandora says:

    Check out the closing paragraphs of this comment from Fay Voshell masking as concern:

    Those of us who have close gay friends and who completely reject homophobia are saddened to see legislation which is a bridge too far; a law that threatens the freedom of conscience of many people of faith.

    Just as bad, I fear there will be a backlash. I worry about my friends.

    My goodness, did she just admit that some conservatives will become violent?

  3. anonone says:

    Me thinks she protests too much about the sodomy thing.

  4. anon. says:

    I agree MJ,this guy gives us conservatives a bad name.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    All conservatives give all conservatives their well deserved bad names. The Fatman and his callers are not the fringe of your ideology. They are your ideology.

    And concerning the concern of Fay, she has no constitutional right to impose her religion on anyone, anywhere. She can follow her faith in her private life, and if she wants to hate on gays, then that is her business. But she has no right to deny gays equal rights because her supposed faith tells her it is wrong. She has no right to deny them what she takes for granted.

    This constant complaint that giving gays their constitutional rights infringes on the rights of the Reich Wing to hate gays reminds of a self centered petulant child who has not yet realized that other people exist in the world.

    And if Fay has gay friends (I doubt it), perhaps it is time for her gay friends to reconsider their friendship with her. She hates you and who you are.

  6. CollinsBat says:

    All it will take is one “true believer” and someone will get hurt or killed. Once they announce their belief in and support of & from Colley boy, I wonder what WGMD will say/do. Leave him on the air and I think it is just a matter of time to rind out.

  7. MJ says:

    I have some good friends down here who are conservative, but they reject teabaggery.

  8. Aoine says:

    @MJ – yet anohter stellar post!! – they also want to bring back public floggings on the G’town square..etc and lynchings too…

    bring the kids, sell popcorn.

    These folks have no clue about the constitution, what is says and did they ever read it? Its not just for the breast pocket.Its sad to see them flailing about in after way over their depths….

    Oscar WIlde had a famous quote – The unmentionable chashing after the inedible ( the context was the brits fox hunting) but the insult obviouls
    I offer the same to the T- Baggerz

  9. Melissa says:

    People really still think it’s appropriate to use gun-related language in political discourse? How far back in history are they living?

  10. Dana Garrett says:

    I’m thrilled that the primitives are having a hissy fit over it. I want them to to throw more in the future as they lose more and more against the forces of progress and the expansion human rights. Let their hissy fits become emblematic of what they are: losers.

  11. skippertee says:

    Just the BLUNT-SKULLS reaching for their clubs as the brighter homo-sapiens easily picks them off from a distance with new and advanced weaponry.
    I never thought “shooting fish in a barrel” would be fun.
    In this case, I’ve changed my opinion.

  12. Bill Colley says:

    Got a Google alert this morning leading me here. Listen, sunshine, I’ve got my words on tape and to be accurate, I even mentioned I was quoting an email from a listener. Would that omission make you a liar? You people should be celebrating as you can now shop for gowns! Why bother with such a rant?

  13. MJ says:

    Ah, and the homophobe leaves his cave to make a comment over here. Didn’t your homophobic rants on WFBL cost you your job up in NY?

  14. Bill, when you quoted an e-mail from someone who appears to advocate violence instead of political discourse, did you make any statement condemning such an approach? That would seem to me to be the responsible thing for a broadcaster to do.

  15. MJ says:

    If you were a responsible adult, you would admonish your listeners who make comments that refer to violence and taking up arms to get their way with government. Surely you remember your rant calling for “blood in the streets if we don’t get our way in the election.”?

    Ponder this while chowing down on your next super-size Big Mac meal – a heart filled with such hatred will surely end up in Hell.

  16. skippertee says:

    If Bill Colley TRULY loved Amurica he’d have himself rendered and and bestow the product to our National Petroleum Reserves.
    He wouldn’t have lasted long on a whaling ship.
    Harpooners wanted to fill the casks and get home.
    I’m sure the crew would have “gone along” after listening to him for a fortnight.

  17. socialistic ben says:

    Id think DL has enough clout and loyal commenters to (nonviolently) destroy this moron… professionally. Glenn Beck was taken out because responsible journalists decided to do something. Cartman is no where CLOSE to Glenn Beck. It can be done. Free Speech doesnt apply in the Free Market…

  18. Miscreant says:

    “It is irresponsible to keep this man on the air.”

    Amen. Yet, for some reason, WGMD does keep him. Perhaps they enjoy the controversy. It can’t be for the small handful of faithful idiots who call in to echo his daily dose of hate and bigotry. And, with some exceptions, it’s hard to believe any responsible business would agree to sponsor this fuckery.

    But to categorize him with all conservatives or tea partiers is equally absurd, and is a little more than a thinly veiled attempt to discredit both. It’s like saying Delaware Dem represents all liberals, which I’m sure isn’t true.

    Kudos to MJ for the post, and for being able to listen to Colley’s drivel for more than 5 minutes at a time. I can’t. If a boycott of sponsors isn’t feasible, perhaps you should all attempt to listen (the show streams) long enough and call in to challenge him. As usual, he’ll hang up on you, then call you names, but it could be a hoot and send a message.

  19. ek says:

    Words on tape? Even the medium is out of date.

  20. Aoine says:

    he has it in an email? then if this is indeed the Fatman posting here, the proper and LEGAL thing to do would be to turn over said email and all the other email he has, and yes I know about them, dont ask how, to the proper authorities.

    they are threats of violance against politicos, various ethnic groups and sexual orientation. These groups *except politics) are protected groups by law. Politicians have their own law for this.

    If the Fatman didnt post this – well we know he reads this blog and he has a responsibility to people to turn those emails over. He is not trained enough to know which threats are just venting and which are serious.

    The blood will be on his hands and the liability on WGMD. I also have been dealing with this for a while and apart from the boycott by progressives against WGMDs advertisers, that’s all we can do.

    File a complaint with the FCC might be for the ACLU.

  21. MJ says:

    Based on his link back to the WGMD website and his homophobic comments, I’d bet my last dollar it was Curley Joe who sent in that comment.

  22. Aoine says:

    Then he’d better dial 644-5020 Troops 7s number and mke a report, They have jurisdiction as the email went to WGMD and they are in Lewes but outside town limits on Wil-king road.

    If he does not report it….WGMD might find themselves liable.

    And its out there now…

    Course, he nneds to tell them about all the other ones too..from all the same wing nuts – Aint that right Billy boy?

  23. Aoine says:

    and let’s face it – Bill Colley is mad because he is so fat he could not even get hit on if he trolled outside “the Moon” all night.

    I would get more action!

    hasn’t seen the dickey-doo in years anyway he’s so fat.

  24. Aoine says:

    @MJ – you roused the beast!! he;s scared and runnung now! way to go

  25. MJ says:

    Well, I guess the only liar on this board this morning is Curley Joe himself, because he blogged on WGMD this morning that the Google alert he got “means someone; somewhere on line has mentioned my name or someone with my name.”

    Well, I don’t see anywhere in my post where I mentioned his name.

  26. Miscreant says:

    “@MJ – you roused the beast!! he;s scared and runnung now! way to go”

    *Comments are closed*… as usual. No debate, no balls. And you can bet your ass that BILL COLLEY* and DAN GAFFNEY* peruse this blog first thing every day.

    *For Google Alert, should that actually be the case.

  27. skippertee says:

    Running? I doubt he’d be in a brisk walk for fear of a myocardial infarction.
    And for breakfast? Just coffee?
    I’d bet dollars to donuts he has that alongside a big, heaping bowlful of Frosted FLAKES, with chocolate milk.

  28. Brian Shields says:

    I shouldn’t really be saying this because it’s bad for business (WGMD is in my job’s area) but I can’t stand Bill Colley. He has the cue card delivery of Paul Harvey (page 2), and his show is so incredibly one sided without the ability to listen to another angle. Plus, I know for a fact he gets DE GOP talking points to base his show off of. (I was once accidentally left on a bullshit distribution list during the last election)

    I have a co-worker that listened to it constantly.. until I hid the radio’s power cord.

  29. Frank Knotts says:

    No matter what you think of Bill Colley, at least we can always come here to DL for an intellectual conversation of the issues and not have to worry about the insults and threats. Where everyone has the courage of their convictions and never do they make rude remarks from behind assumed names. You know you guys might want to tread carefully yourselves. There have been radio personalities murdered in the past. And if you happen to get one of the radicalized homosexuals fired up against Bill Colley and something happens, it could come back to your doorstep. I have no problem with your condemnation of BC, but to do it in the manner that you do is counter to what it is you espouse. The insults you put forth are just examples of your intellectual vacancy. Now go ahead and insult me. I am not overweight, I’m not bald, I’m not crosseyed, so I guess you will have to stick to your favorite, just call me stupid.

  30. Dana says:

    Okay, I’ll bite, YOU ARE STUPID!

  31. MJ says:

    To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, I knew Alan Berg; Alan Berg was a friend of mine and the Fatman is no Alan Berg.

    Frank, how dare you even compare the Fatman with Alan Berg, for to do so shows your intellectual emptiness. Alan was not a hateful person, and was murdered by white supremacists, you know the type – they made up the membership of SKKKOR and now the 9/12 “patriots.”

    I don’t know of any members of the gay community who go to public meetings and extol the virtues of cruising around Sussex county hunting for illegals from the back of a pickup truck. And while there might be a fringe few who might advocate violence, they aren’t here in Delaware. And as for your beloved homophobic/racist/misogynist radio host, I think he’s safe. I don’t think anyone in the county has an elephant gun.

    Frank, you have no morals. And yes, you are stupid.

  32. pandora says:

    I would suggest that Frank go back and read his posts on Ron Sams.

  33. Geezer says:

    Well, Frank, you ARE stupid. That’s beyond debate. The fact that you’ve started showing up here shows that you’re belligerent as well.

  34. skippertee says:

    “I am not overweight, I’m not bald, I’m not crosseyed,”
    Yes Frank, but are you POP-EYED like your dad, Don?

  35. Boycott says:

    Target every single one of the Fat Man’s advertisers- take your business elsewhere. Show them that supporting hate has real world economic consequences.

    Frank and Curley Joe in the same post— it’s a window on the modern GOP- a fat, angry homophobic looser with pretensions of grandeur, a guy that drives an oil truck and writes hateful articles on a blog managed by a dude that sells pre-paid legal services… what intillectual giants. Of the whole crew over at DP, Fay is the only one with any semblance of an education, and there has clearly been some sort of intervening head trauma between her graduation from Princeton and today.

  36. cassandra_m says:

    So I’m hoping that someone is rounding up a list of the names of advertisers so people know who to write to (or call) and who to boycott — Color of Change style. Who was pretty pivotal to getting most of Glenn Beck’s advertisers to disappear from his TV show.

  37. anon. says:

    For the record there is nothing wrong with being an oil truck driver.

  38. Miscreant says:

    – Hermann Financial Services – Milford
    – Indian River Espresso and Coffee Company – Millsboro
    – Cedar Creek General Store – Lincoln
    Start with these:

    – Whisker’s bar & Grill, Ocean Pines (He actually does this ad himself.)
    – Weller’s Utility Trailers – Bridgeville
    – Atlantic Liquors – Rehoboth/Lewes
    – Em-mings Barbeque – Bishopville, MD – (He does remote broadcasts from there while stuffing his corpulent face with ribs)
    – Captain Bill’s Bait & Tackle
    – Hocker’s G&E – Milleville (Yep, Gerald Hocker’s store)
    – Chesapeake Eye Care – Millsboro
    – In & Out Auto Care – Millsboro

  39. phil says:

    “Of the whole crew over at DP, Fay is the only one with any semblance of an education,”

    An anon called her out on her “education” in a thread and instead of admitting she didn’t understand the word she attempted to use, and misused, she threw a hissy fit. Good times.

  40. Aoine says:

    even better is Fays misue of the word “proscribed” in her recent missive on the “return of the Pharisee”

    She obviously has no understanding of the difference between “proscribed” and “prescribed”. But will launch herself fur, theeth and eyeballs against anyone else who makes a mistake, then gleefully turn around and slam anyone for calling her out, ultimately ending up looking like a hypocrite or a fool, or both.

    I think she suffers from some sort of trauma – she cant seem to remember from day to day what she posted on before

    ur right – its good times!!

    as for WGMD and Curley – we already boycott advertising there or patronizing any of their sponsors. Until he’s gone, that will not change.

  41. Anon says:

    Jimmy’s Grill is a major, major sponsor of WGMD. Can one of you speak with the owner of Jimmy’s, and enlighten him on the type of hate that he is subsidizing.

  42. Miscreant says:

    “Jimmy’s Grill is a major, major sponsor of WGMD.’

    Yep, Gaffney broadcasts live from there every Friday.

  43. jpconnorjr says:

    The owner of Jimmy’s is known for his devotion to causes that could be perceived as liberal. As an example he was the lead attorney in the slavery repeations case. Perhaps some education would help?