Delaware Liberal

Now We Know What This Birther Nonsense Is About

The Arizona Senate passed a “birther bill” which would require presidential candidates to produce a “long form” birth certificate to be on the ballot. In an effort to seem less insane, the Senare adopted an amendment that makes the bill even more batsh*t.

As originally proposed, a candidate would have to produce a certified copy of a “long form birth certificate” which would have to include the date and place of birth, the names of the hospital and any attending physician, and the signatures of any witnesses in attendance.

Senators accepted an amendment by Sen. Frank Antenori, R-Tucson, for alternatives for those who are legally qualified but do not have such a document. Instead, a candidate could produce a baptismal or circumcision certificate, a hospital birth record, a postpartum medical record or an early census record.

The Secretary of State, who would make the final determination of a candidate’s qualifications, also could accept a notarized affidavit from at least two people who witnessed the birth.

It’s always about the penis isn’t it? How insane is this bill? The Arizona Senate just said they won’t honor a state-issued birth certificate but will instead accept unofficial documents? None of those documents would be acceptable for a passport or driver’s license. I doubt Obama is worried. I doubt this law would stand any court scrutiny. We also know that the long form certificate exists – I’m sure Hawai’i would allow Obama to use that copy in this instance. What a waste of time and money.

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