Delaware Liberal

GOP Is Embarrassed By The Birthers

The GOP is now trying to stuff the birther genie back into the bottle. Too bad they didn’t listen to us, who have been warning them for 2 years (since the days of Crazy Eileen) that encouraging the crazy of the base would come back to bite them in the rear.

The renewed effort to tamp down birtherism underscores a view held by many establishment Republicans that the conspiracy theorists make up a small subset of the party base and risk turning off swing voters more interested in jobs and economic concerns.

The new chairman of the Colorado Republican Party, Ryan Call, said Tuesday that “getting distracted” with questions about Obama’s birth certificate “does a great disservice to the real challenges that our country faces.”

Some strategists say the issue helps Democrats paint the GOP as extreme or fringe.

Gee, too bad. The Washington Post even steps its toe into acknowledging that persistent birtherism may be related the racism.

The Rev. Al Sharpton said he views Brewer’s veto as a concession that the birther movement has backfired on Republicans.

“What they meant as a negative ended up being a huge miscalculation because it rallied the very elements in society — from women to blacks to Latinos — who have always had to fight for recognition as equal citizens,” he said in an interview. “A lot of people see it as racism. Even when you achieve what people felt was unachievable, you still have to prove you are qualified. That’s how a lot of us read it.”

Republicans, these stories are going to get more and more prevalent the longer this birther nonsense goes on. There’s nothing else to discuss, it’s been repeatedly debunked. I understand why the GOP wants to put the hammer down, the problem is it’s too little, too late.

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