Summer Of Spittle II Coming?

Filed in National by on April 22, 2011

Huffington Post reports that Paul Ryan’s angry town hall is starting to look like a trend. Here’s just one example from their report:

Rep. Robert Dold, (R-Ill.):

Fresh off voting for the so-called Paul Ryan budget plan on Friday, newly-elected Congressman Robert Dold returned to Buffalo Grove Saturday where constituents questioned him about several elements of the Republican budget.


But Dold couldn’t even get to the end of the presentation before audience members began peppering him with questions about the Ryan budget, named after House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin. It began with audience members telling Dold they don’t believe chopping 10 percentage points off the highest corporate tax rate will create jobs. A handful of people in the audience identified themselves as business owners and accountants who said their effective corporate income tax rate is already lower than the lowest rates proposed in the Ryan plan. They pointed to companies such as GE that pay almost no taxes despite billions in profits as evidence.


Some in the audience then told Dold they don’t like the idea in the Ryan budget plan of Medicare becoming a voucher program that makes senior citizens buy private health insurance about 10 years from now. Audience members said buying private insurance is a shell game where no one really knows what costs a company will cover or to what degree.

I think we will be hearing quite a bit about this over the summer. Stay tuned!

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    i think we’ll also be hearing about how the Left is SO ANGRY and how elected officials are elected to lead, not get yelled at by sore losers who’s guy didnt win.

    but what do i know, im just aware of history.

  2. anon says:

    The budget is in a bipartisan blue dog committee with Baucus just like HCR was. So yes I would say we are doomed to repeat history with another summer of spittle.

    Public Option 2009 = Tax Increases For Rich 2011
    h/t A1

    And in the end of course there will be a capitulation budget passed with distinctly Republican features and no tax increases for the rich. Because of the hostages, you know.

    If I am wrong and Obama fights for tax increases for rich and no serious harm to safety net, then Obama wins big in 2012, spittle or not.

    And if Dems use the opportunity to roast Republicans over cuts to safety net, then Repubs lose big in all traditional crossover constituencies.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    aw, anon… dont go down that road… assuming you are the same anon who the past few days seemed to be getting more hopey again….

  4. anon says:

    I hope I am wrong. Is that enough hope for you?

    See, I think Obama is playing eleven dimensional chess after all… but he is playing it against us, not the Republicans.

    Obama is dangling just enough Democratic red meat to keep us on board, until the last few weeks of course and then the betrayal. And remember this?

    That is why Democrats are never able to mount a serious movement to move Obama to the left. Obama works hard to keep us off balance and fighting amongst ourselves.

  5. socialistic ben says:

    i dont think it’s THAT nefarious. It could also be the “give them enough rope” tactic with the repukes… only Obama seems to be giving them high grade super pure heroine…. which they seem to be loading up a lethal dose in the form of SS repeal.

    Here is a big problem i have. He seems to have spent a large amount of his first term making sure he gets a second…. something i supported him because he decried. I know every politician does it, and i dont really care anymore. Im FAR to jaded to think there will ever be a “good politician” You just have to see his for what he is…. a very gifted speaker who advocates for Free Market most of the time, but will make pushes for progressive agendas when reminded who made him. I just wish he would use his power to destroy the conservative wing forever.

  6. anon says:

    But to the point, I liked the Ryan town hall, and now this one. Go Wisconsin!! And Illinois!!

  7. anon says:

    Just wondering… who are these people who are showing up to ask tough questions at Republican town halls? Are they Democrats suddenly deciding to start showing up? Or are they Republicans who are actually showing some critical thinking ability? The Huffpo article indicates they are Dems.

    Either one would be news, and awesome if it turns into a trend.

  8. anon says:

    It could also be the “give them enough rope” tactic

    Rope-a-dope worked for Muhammad Ali… The main thing though is at the end, don’t forget to get up off the ropes and clobber your opponent. Very important part of the strategy.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    It probably won’t turn out to be a trend.

    But providing any kind of political cover or movement for your own issues is apparently kind of uncool. Or something. So that when the people that represent you cut the rope on these GOPers who are trying to hang themselves, remember that when it counted, Dems were not around to force the hanging.

  10. skippertee says:

    Ryan came out for vouchers for Medicare in the near future.
    Behind the scenes these BLUNT-SKULLS are actually thinking about privatizing VA health-care.
    They have made the first stroke with the wakizashi on Medicare and are bleeding.
    The kaizoe awaits to behead Ryan if he moves on the VA.

  11. Auntie Dem says:

    If he moves on the VA I know a lot of vets who will explode. And a lot of them are Republicans.

  12. anon says:

    The Progressive Caucas is the largest in Congress with 80 members. They put out the Peoples budget, based on issues the asked americans to vote on. They keep SS, medicare and medicaid as they are. They cut defense, they keep EPA, and other vital agencies, and much more. And, they balance in the budget in a few years. So why isnt corporate media including Ed Schultz, Rachel et al talking about it. Democracy Now had Raul Grivala on (who is the Chair) everything he said would be embraced by a majority of americans. So why are we NOT hearing about that proposal on the progressive blogs or anywhere else? Something stinks.

  13. anon2 says:

    Because they prefer the frame where Obama is the left pole and Ryan is the right. They don’t want to hear that the Progressive Caucus budget puts Obama in the center-right.

    Actually most of the “Progressive” budget is pure kitchen-table Democratic issues, nothing especially progressive.

    By the way, the Progressive Caucus is half again the size of the Teabag Caucus. Guess which one has more influence.

  14. skippertee says:

    Auntie, I put that BUG in the ear of every older VET I meet when I’m at Elsmere. I’m changing a few minds. The guys from my generation and the younger ones already know the score.
    The GREATEST generation,well, they are the TRUE BELIEVERS in a STRONG NATIONAL DEFENSE.
    Yet, the numbers no longer add up allowing us to BE #1.

  15. anon says:

    glenn greenwald has an excellent article today: Obama ran against Bush, now governing like him…every word is true. Why hasnt Obama embraced the Progressive Caucus “The peoples Budget”..better than Obama, and 1000% better than Ryan.

  16. anon says:

    Anon2. Its not progressive do you think its “liberal”? Since Bush the right has moved further to the right…the uber right…so that puts Obama RIGHT….not center of anything.