How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?

Filed in National by on May 4, 2011


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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (32)

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  1. Chris Counihan says:

    This could not have been said any better. The vast majority of my students do not understand why this is even an issue. When my daughters grow up, they will not understand our desire to deny people their right to marry the person that they love.

  2. dv says:

    Ricky Gervais has an awesome stand up bit on gay mammals. Look it up if you haven’t seen it.

    Oh and the answer to your question, there is no god. The jokes on guys like this idiot.

  3. anon. says:

    Jason, he can be your Rep. just move to Minnesota? Just sayin’

  4. MJ says:


  5. capesdelaware says:

    Yea, It is pretty hard to get by .”We were all born equals ,and we should be treated as equals” capes .

  6. Frank Knotts says:

    God didn’t create homosexuals, God created free will.

  7. Jason330 says:

    Oh Yeah. That’s why I willed myself into being a 5’7″ male Caucasian American heterosexual. Next week I might will myself into being 6’5″

    Thanks for all the choices God!

    What a doofus.

  8. jpconnorjr says:

    so i have a question: Why did the Gov. choose to have the bill signing ceremony for Civil Unions in Wilmington? If it were to be held outside the capital then IMHO it should be in Rehoboth. The epicenter for LGBT activism has been and continues to be in Southeastern Sussex County, just sayin’

  9. Geezer says:

    “God created free will.”

    It’s hard to tell by anything you’ve ever written. A conservative-cliche-spouting robot could do what you do, though I’ll grant it might not sound as ignorant doing it.

  10. pandora says:

    God didn’t create bigots. It’s free will.

  11. Frank Knotts says:

    Jason using your logic that there is no free will involved in being homosexual is an attempt to side step the issue of whether it is a sin. By trying to make the case that homosexuals have no choice in the matter, you are trying to say there is no sin. It is not for me to judge whether it is a sin for others, but only to decide for myself. My issue with the push for homosexual marriage has always been based on my concern that the end game is to bring law suits against churches that refuse to preform them. And please save all of the denial.
    Okay, now go ahead with all of the witty insults that Delaware Liberal is known for, in place of actual arguments.

  12. pandora says:

    As actual arguments go, Frank, yours is weak. First you claim that Jason is side-stepping the “issue” of whether homosexuality is a sin. Then you say it’s not for you to decide on the “issue” you raised.

    Then you add the “issue” of churches being forced to marry gay couples which is silly (and dishonest), since churches, temples, mosques have never been ordered to marry anyone. A catholic cannot sue a synagogue for refusing to marry them. Even churches of the same denomination can refuse to perform a service for someone who is not a member of their congregation.

  13. PBaumbach says:

    I understand that the bill signing is in wilmington for a few reasons. The bill signing for SB 121, which made it illegal to discriminate in DE based on sexual orientation, was signed in Rehobeth.

    SB30 was passed based on hard work up and down the state, however the lionshare of the votes came from New Castle County. Having 2 of 2 bill signings for LGBT laws in/near Rehobeth would have been more exclusionary than desired.

  14. MJ says:

    Paul – It’s Rehoboth, with an “o.”

    And Knotts just continues to show the world why he will never be taken seriously. He brings up so-called “moral” issues, then begs off from defending them. And he offers extremely phony arguments at best.

    Do you honestly believe that I chose to be gay so I could be insulted, assaulted, and scorned by certain members of society?

  15. Aoine says:

    @MJ – yeah, like I chose to be female for the same reasons – so idiots like Frank and the DP ilk could pander to and look down their paatrician penises at someone “weaker?”

    its a White Angle-Saxon Male thing – they still have the fantasy that they are in charge – they;re not, but the delusion is still there

  16. jpconnorjr says:

    PB spelling of town names can be telling. Signing the bill in our greatest resort on the cusp of the summer season is hardly exclusionary. After all I can name a half dozen legislators from NCC that effectively live in Southeastern Sussex. There may be a good reason but I have yet to hear it.

  17. anon says:

    It’s in Wilmington because it takes forEVer to drive aaaaallll the way down to Sussex County, don’t you know? There are those tolls, and the traffic on Route 1 is awful, and the road work they’re doing around Fredericaville or whatever that place is called is tying everything up, and anyway it just takes so long to get to the beaches that it’s not worth it any more. Geeeeezz, you NorDel haters … don’t you know that 90 percent of everyone in Sussex County is a backwards hick? We don’t want to have to smell that chicken manure while driving down there to hone our tans. GEEEZ.

    On the other hand, requiring people to drive up to Wilmington from Rehoboth is perfectly fine. Everyone knows it takes far less time to drive north than it does to drive south!!!!!

    IMHO, the bill signing should be held in the middle of Baltimore Avenue, and everyone can go shopping afterwards. And it would be REALLY fun to watch Bodenweiser and Parish hold a counter-protest.

  18. Frank Knotts says:

    MJ, I can only defend my own opinions, I cannot judge others. Do I think it is a sin? Yes. Is that why I am against homosexual mariage laws? No.
    Pandora, you make the point that “RIGHT NOW” churches can’t be forced to marry people. Well thanks for the insight. I said the end game was to bring law suits against churches. We have seen bills passed giving special privileges to homosexuals such as the anti-discrimination bill here in Delaware. Now the civil union bill. These are just pieces of the bigger puzzle. I believe that in the future we will see groups bringing suit against the Catholic church. Let’s face it, organized religion is about the last bastion of condemnation of this life style. Governments are condoning it. Large sectors of society or condoning it. It permeates our entertainment. Organized religion is basically the lone hold out on a large scale that has not given in, to the pressure exercized by the radicalized homosexual community.

  19. liberalgeek says:

    Let’s face it, organized religion is about the last bastion of condemnation of this life style.

    They were also the last ones to change their minds about the heliocentric nature of the solar system.

    Just sayin’

  20. jpconnorjr says:

    Anon you are too funny! As a former business ownern on Baltimore Ave. I would have love to have had Mr. Stilleto Heels and the memoreable marriage man in to buy a painting or piece of sculpture, they could have stopped at Camp Rehoboth across the street and seen the great things that happen there and then had lunch at the Blue Moon one of many great restaurants in the hood. Chances of something like thast happening? ZERO:)

  21. heragain says:

    I totally don’t get why people wanting to get married would require ‘radicalized’ anywhere in the sentence.

    I come form a generation that was political as can be about sex and relationships. Marriage was unimportant. People should form temporary contracts, or live in communal situations, or just pass on all that stuff. There were a lot of political opinions, but the most radical were in favor of doing away with the institution entirely.

    From this, the fight of gays to have the right to get married, raise families and join the PTA is just, well, retro. I don’t understand why people who believe God made a sacrament of marriage want to exclude people from joining in His sanctioned activity. I mean, how sweet is that?

  22. socialistic ben says:

    ” My issue with the push for homosexual marriage has always been based on my concern that the end game is to bring law suits against churches that refuse to preform them. And please save all of the denial.”

    just because you say “save all the denile” it doesnt make your argument any less insane or paranoid. The legal issues of marriage are a state issue, not a church issue… they ARE infact different things. Although i cant tell you what a joy it would be to see Fred Phelps be forced marry a pair of out Marines.

    In a later post you call protection from discrimination a “special privlege” and seem to be sad that the only institution still homophobic is organized religion. .. by the way, don’t get me started on lawsuits the CATHOLIC CHURCH needs to be worried about. Whether or not you want to admit it, YOU are a bigot. YOu are allowed to have your opinion, and constantly worry about what kind of sex other people are having but if your opinion is that your beliefs should govern the lives of others, you’re never going to win.

  23. jason330 says:

    Frank’s point about free will is correct in one respect. Closeted gays are free to pretend to be straight. They should know that they aren’t fooling anyone, least of all God.


  24. Free Market Democrat says:

    If you are opposed to Gay Marriage, are you in favor of gay promiscuity?

  25. jason330 says:

    If you are a Republican member of Congress….HELL YES!!

  26. MJ says:

    Frank, who are you to judge what is or isn’t a sin? Who died and made you G-D?

    And I seriously doubt that anyone will be suing the Catholic Church for anything except their decades-long cover-up of pedophile priests.

    And I’d love for you to enlighten all of us on the special privileges the gay community has received. Could it be we no longer have to fear being fired from our jobs because we’re gay? Or is it the one where we can no longer be excluded from the hospital bedsides of our partners? Please, let me know what special privileges I’ve received in the past few years.

  27. Geezer says:

    Frank: Please read your First Amendment again — you’ve probably forgotten what it says since your last reading last night. Until that amendment is revoked, nobody can tell a church what it must and must not do. If we were going to start, don’t you think we might start with dismantling Scientology? If we’re willing to let such fraud and conspiracy alone in the name of religion, I’m pretty sure we’ll leave mainstream denominations alone to marry whom and whom not they please.

  28. Frank Knotts says:

    Let me start with MJ’s question. MJ go back and read what I wrote, not what you want me to have said. I said I couldn’t judge others, that I could only speak for myself and that I think it is a sin.
    As for the First Amendment, that is my concern. That the radical element in the homosexual community are attempting to create a constitutional cricis.
    As for the anti-discrimination bill here in Delaware and the special privileges it bestows on homosexuals. We are all protected by the 14th Amendment, why do we need to set homosexuals apart? And just so you know, Delaware is an at will state. The employer need not give any reason for firing you. So how do you prove that you were fired for being homosexual?

  29. Joe Cass says:

    Frank Knotts, please give me the time and place. I’m busy Saturday but lets be done with you before mid-week next? You’ve got my email.

  30. Geezer says:

    “As for the First Amendment, that is my concern. That the radical element in the homosexual community are attempting to create a constitutional cricis.”

    Perhaps a few fringe nutcases harbor such hopes, but for most it’s a simple matter of granting legal status that would greatly reduce needless paperwork.

    Do you have any experience in dealing with pointless (to you and me) questions designed to screen out fraudulent claims? Anyone who has understands what I’m talking about. To most gay and lesbian folks I know, that’s what is at stake in this fight. Don’t get me wrong, in some cases real human suffering is caused by our outdated laws. But far more common is the frustrating-because-pointless paperwork. That’s what I identify with. It’s easy for the rest of us to dismiss as a concern — we don’t have to deal with it.

    On a larger scale, why would gays and lesbians be trying to destroy a society that, while not as liberal and accepting as a few, is more so than most? They are simply exercising their right to try to influence societal attitudes and choices about future policies, the same as you or I might do.

  31. MJ says:

    Frank – why is “it” a sin? Who declared “it” a sin?

    And I suppose that any group seeking equal protection under the law is considered a “radical element” in your eyes. Verdad?

    And while Delaware might be an “at will” state, it is still illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, nationality, marital status, and now sexual orientation in employment, housing, and public accommodation in this state. So, if you decided to fire me because I am gay, and that is the sole reason you fire me, you bet your ass I’m going to sue you for everything you have.