Delaware Liberal

Support Public Education & This Middletown HS Student’s Google Entry

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Now read the email below and vote.

Help Middletown High School student win Doodle 4 Google.

Attention teachers, friends, families and students,

We are very excited to announce that one of our students has reached the finals for the Doodle 4 Google contest. For her to win would mean $15,000 for her and $25,000 for MHS. What we need is your help and vote. To vote please go to this website and she is region 3 (click here or the link below to vote) – She wants to be an art teacher! I’m very hopeful that a we will be able to span the state with teachers and students, but also pass on this link everyone you can to vote for Katie. Finalists is now open through May 13, 2011 11:59 p.m

Katie writes “LOVE TO TEACH ART

What I’d like to do someday… I’d like to be an art teacher. Art has been a part of my life as long as I can remember (and I can recall the 90’s to a t !) and I would just be so happy & fulfilled to pass it on. Art is so important to everyone, serving as a positive outlet for all ages, this contest reassures that, but it is something all should be aware of!”

School: Middletown High School

City, State: Middletown, Delaware

(you can vote from any device one time – so vote at home , on your phone, at work, on your ipad, and pass it on to others to support our MHS student as she moves forward as a finalist! Please reach out to your friends and loved ones personally to help get the word out about Katie)

Vote now on the 40 Regional Finalists! Public online voting on these 40 Regional Finalists is now open through May 13, 2011 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time (PT). This public vote will help determine the four national finalists, one per grade group (K-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12). On May 19, 2011 we will announce the national winner at an awards ceremony in New York. The national winner’s doodle will appeared on on May 20, 2011.

Jim Comegys

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