Delaware Liberal

Over the Edge for Special Olympics!

First, this looks like ALOT of fun. Second, this is a bipartisan effort to help raise money for Special Olympics Delaware. Third, hit the link to help these Osienski and Lavelle raise money. And fourth, I’m just going to post the entire Press Release so you have all of the details:

Reps going ‘over the edge’ for special olympics

DOVER – When it comes to charity and special causes, some people will do absolutely anything to show their support. For two state representatives, they are willing to go right off a building for Special Olympics Delaware.

Reps. Edward Osienski and Gregory Lavelle are among nearly 100 participants in “Over the Edge,” a fundraiser for Special Olympics Delaware. Participants are soliciting donations from people to send them “over the edge” and rappelling down a 17-story building in downtown Wilmington. The event, which takes place on May 12, humorously encourages people to “Toss your boss,” “Fling a family member” or “Cast your coach.”

“Maybe we should add ‘Launch a legislator’ to that list,” said Rep. Osienski, D-Newark, who has volunteered and participated in Special Olympics Delaware’s Polar Bear Plunge for the last five years. “When I heard about this inaugural event, I wanted to get involved early because this is going to be a huge success for years to come.

“This event raises awareness about the wonderful work Special Olympics does. Special Olympics doesn’t focus on the athletes’ disabilities, it gives them a chance to highlight their abilities. Special Olympics gives athletes the opportunity to participate and create friendships.”

Participants in the fundraiser must raise a minimum of $1,000. With nearly 100 “edgers,” Special Olympics Delaware could raise $100,000. Those who meet the $1,000 threshold will rappel down the side of 300 Delaware Avenue, a 17-story building owned by event sponsor Brandywine Realty Trust.

“Special Olympics Delaware has significant meaning to our family,” said House Minority Leader Rep. Lavelle, R-Sharpley. “Our son, Matthew, is developmentally disabled and has been a Special Olympics athlete for a few years now. His team is based from the Mary Campbell Center and we very much appreciate his coaches and team members. Anybody who has ever attended a Special Olympics event knows what a great event and opportunity it is for all involved.
“Ed approached me about going ‘over the edge’ and I agreed instantly. The only decision we have left is who goes first. Since ‘D’ comes before ‘R’ in the alphabet, I’m happy to hold the rope for Ed first!”

Special Olympics Delaware executive director Ann Grunert said she is happy to have two state legislators supporting the organization by raising money and strapping themselves into a harness.

“Because of their influence in legislative decisions that may affect the people we serve, having government officials such as Ed Osienski and Greg Lavelle participating in Over the Edge is important to help raise awareness of not only Special Olympics Delaware and the athletes we serve, but more importantly, to help reinforce the abilities of all people with intellectual disabilities,” Ms. Grunert said.

The event is supported by Delaware Law Enforcement for Special Olympics. To donate to Reps. Osienski and Lavelle or any other participant, visit

Wonder if we could get a Troll Toss into this event?

EDIT: Am including the specific Reps’ fundraising pages —
Ed Osienski (Rep. Osienski is close to his goal! Go over there and push him over the edge — so to speak.)
Greg Lavelle

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