Yes, Our Politics Are Really This Stupid
One former journalist (now blogger) states the obvious:
I am dismayed, but not shocked, at how quickly the right has gone from giving Obama grudging credit for taking out bin Laden to going crazy to find any little thing to criticize him about.
The Washington Time, for instance, ran a ludicrous editorial criticizing Obama’s decision to mark the occasion of bin Laden’s death with a ceremony honoring his victims at Ground Zero. Even though The Times admitted, “Honoring those who fell on 9/11 days after Osama bin Laden’s demise is fitting,” the editorial criticized the action as hypocritical because Democrats in 2004 criticized George W. Bush for appropriating images of 9/11 for a campaign commercial.
Yes, because a solemn ceremony honoring the victims of 9/11 is exactly like using images of 9/11 in a campaign ad.Too many of today’s conservatives are unable to celebrate a pure victory for America because of who was at the helm when it happened. That’s disturbing.
We’ve already seen the evolution here.
First it was “he waited months.”
Then it was the 16-hour hold to make the decision.
Now it’s the photographs.
Republicans have really invested a lot of time and energy in the weak, inexperienced, indecisive talking point, haven’t they?
I can’t imagine what it must be like to be so bitter that you can’t celebrate an American victory if the wrong party is in charge.
Stupidity aside, the reason they are left with this approach is due to the fact that they have no credible candidate for 2012. Not One.
its not just that they think the wrong party is in charge…
Sadly, I really believe that they think the guy representing the wrong party, in charge….
is the wrong COLOR
Obama is the closest thing to a black Republican they are ever going to get.
I don’t understand why Repubs aren’t lining up behind Obama. He delivered tax cuts for the rich, blocked public health care and drug price negotiation, and killed Osama bin Laden. What’s not to like for a wingnut?
I for one remember how we all stood up and cheered George Bush when he scored a major victory in… hmmm… I’m sure there’s got to be one…
To be continued
All Bush’s victories were for people above my pay grade.
I was happy that Bush defeated the pretzel. It kept Cheney from actually becoming President.