Delaware Liberal

Florida – The 2nd Amendment Negates The 1st Amendment

I really feel sorry for Florida. They have a crooked governor and a crazy rightwing legislature. A new law is soon to go into affect there to prevent pediatricians from asking parents if they have guns in their house.

But now Scott is expected to soon sign a first-of-its-kind bill that does just that by forbidding doctors from asking their patients if they own guns. To prevent accidental injuries, pediatricians routinely ask new parents if they have guns at home and if they are stored safely. But the NRA and its allies in the Florida legislature see something more sinister at work — a radical agenda to curb the rights of gun owners.

“For decades,” the American Academy of Pediatrics has encouraged its members to ask patients about guns and how they’re stored. In an interview with NPR, Dr. Louis St. Petery explains that doctors have a responsibility to ask parents about everything from car seats to bike helmets to help them keep their kids safe…

Apparently the NRA thinks that parents have their feelings hurt by this or something? God forbid they get advised not to clean their guns in the baby’s room. It might give them feelings of uncomfortableness. I think it would probably cost the NRA less money to send fliers to their members to tell them to say “none of your business.”

I guess we really do live in a post-truth world now. The post-truth world requires that glimpses of other worlds be forbidden, lest it disturb the fantasy world.

Does anyone believe this law will stand up to court challenge?

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