Delaware Liberal

El Somnambulo Unveils His Choice for New Castle County Executive

FWIW, this name came to me after eating a delicious India/Pakistani dinner prepared by the Arden Dinner Gild.

Several meals later, this name still makes real good sense to me.

First, the criteria: Must be a Democrat; must be able to govern effectively, or at least demonstrate the distinct possibility that they COULD govern effectively; must be able to win both a primary and a general election; must be someone I’d vote for.

Next, the logic: This person is ambitious and could be a little restless in their current position; this person has demonstrated genuine skill in effectively moving progressive legislation; this person has political connections that could prove invaluable in this contest; this person may well be considering a move from their current political post, not unlike Chris Coons in that respect.

Finally, the caveats: I have no idea whether this person is considering, or would consider, this post; I have not spoken to this person; this person would have some political baggage (the flip side of the political connections) attached.

Have I whetted your appetite yet? And not just for India/Pakistani food?

OK, drum roll, please…


Thank you.

Ladeeeez and gentlemen, I proudly present to you MY choice for next New Castle County Executive–REP. MELANIE GEORGE (D-Bear).

Rep. George shows every sign of being able to govern effectively as she has built legislative coalitions for several bills, including both sentencing reform and, in the House, civil unions.  Her demonstrated style suggests that she  would likely have the opposite approach of a Jim Baker or, say, Chris Christie, who turn legislators into adversaries. While she has longstanding ties in the Democratic Party through her father, she also represents the fastest-growing area in New Castle County. Her voting record suggests that she is a bona-fide progressive on most issues.

Most importantly, not only could she win, but I think she’d win by quite a margin. Ask yourselves this: Other than Clark’s claque of hangers-on, where would he find his Democratic base in a primary? He would likely defeat a political gadfly, but he’d stand no chance, IMHO, against someone like Melanie George. By defeating Clark, which she would, she takes away the R’s  #1 Phony Issue, which is that that Clark is corruptible, if not demonstrably corrupt. Why do I call this a phony issue even though I agree with that statement? Because presumed Rethug standard-bearer Tom Kovach has made his bones defending corporations dedicated to weakening environmental regulation. His reputation, once people take a look at it absent the Clark stench, is hardly a politically favorable one. Clark would not be able to point this out, George would. Absent Kovach, name me someone, anyone, who would even be considered competitive in such a race.

Also, ask yourselves this…do you really think the Delaware Democratic Party would go balls to the wall for Paul Clark? George has a whole buncha legislators who would support her, including Speaker Gilligan, whether or not he chooses to run for reelection. And isn’t Melanie a Jack-Packer? I think so. Yes, she has Lonnie George’s Del-Tech network behind her, which no doubt will be her major Achilles heel. However, for any bad press she might get about that, that network is powerful, and George, who is an attorney in her own right, demonstrates the kind of intellectual capacity and ability to explain herself that it would not ultimately be too great a negative. She can stand on her own. Gene Reed, Jr. she’s not. For that matter, Gene Reed, Sr., Lonnie’s not.

Having written this screed, there’s just the little matter of whether Melanie George has any interest in doing this. I have no clue. She could run for reelection and maybe even be a contender for House Majority Leader, should Bob Gilligan retire and Pete Schwartzkopf move up to Speaker.  And she has the skills to be a strong majority leader, as she has the chops to move with alacrity on the floor when needed and the ability to persuade within the Caucus. She’d be one of the favorites for that position.

She could run for State Senate as she very well could be in a brand new Senate district in southern New Castle County.

However, while, IMHO, few legislators possess the gifts to move into executive positions, I  think that Rep. George could do that, and might well have the ambition to do that.

So, there you go. A totally unfounded trial (pun intentional) balloon floated to stimulate some thinking within the Party. A toxic incumbent, a superb alternative, and a slow news week.

Brickbats, alternatives, any matter of feedback is encouraged.

As for me, a meal beckons. Mmmmm…..a MEAL!

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