Q: What do Newt Gingrich’s Health Care Views and His Extra-Marital Sexual Relationships Have in Common?

Filed in National by on May 16, 2011

A: More positions than the Kama Sutra *

Newt Gingrich yesterday:

“I agree that all of us have a responsibility to help pay for health care. And I think that there are ways to do it that make most libertarians relatively happy,” Mr. Gingrich told the host David Gregory. “I’ve said consistently, where there’s some requirement you either have health insurance or you post a bond or in some way you indicate you’re going to be held accountable.”

That’s pretty clear support for a federal health coverage mandate. It’s not precisely the same one as signed into law by President Obama—Gingrich would allow people to post a bond that would cover any potential medical expenses (presumably very few people could do this as it would need to cover potential expenses)—but the principle is similar: no free riders. Everybody must pay.

Newt Gingrich Today:

“I am completely opposed to the Obamacare mandate on individuals,” Mr. Gingrich said in a new video released Monday.”

Gingrich goes on to claim the mandate is unconstitutional, saying he’s fought against it every step of the way.

*Joke stolen from dailykos.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon40 says:

    Newt’s inability to STFU over his career will prevent him from becoming a legit candidate.

  2. jason330 says:

    The “yesterday” and “today” are not metaphorical. He flipped like a Romney.

  3. Aoine says:

    hmmmm – well, I thinl Im gonna buy stock in Viagra and Latex – givin all the sex scandals the Rs have going on……

    PS – dont sleep with Republicans – they sleep around……..and if you catch something due to not using prophalactics, they wont pay for your medical check up or treatment…

    look Newt, no ticky, no laundry – you want it? put a ring on it – then you own the responsibility for it.

    Oh wait he did that already twice….

  4. Gingrich flip-flopped twice within weeks on Ryan’s budget but gave Democrats a great talking point – even Newt Gingrich thinks Ryan’s plan is too radical. Where is the supposed Gingrich message discipline? I guess have to appeal to incoherent people makes you sound incoherent.

  5. MJ says:

    Newt had to give his message discipline to his second wife in the divorce settlement. It was considered a marital asset.

  6. delbert says:

    And how about “The Sperminator” not pulling out in time when he got busy with his maid? Where’s Jesse Jackson when we need him?

  7. anon says:

    It is time for Dems to seize the leadership issue and point out the obvious: that none of these flipflopping freaks can even make up their minds about what to have for breakfast let alone national policy. And that they are definitely too flaky to be Commender In Chief.

    These guys are so over the top they will make everyone forget about Obama’s own flipflops.

    2012 might be the first election in a while where the Dem is more highly approved on national security than the Repub. Dems should make the most of it so it sticks for many more election cycles.