Delaware Liberal

I Love My Delaware Workplace – Number 1

Go ahead and read it over at while I am still not fired. Better yet, read my contribution and leave a comment about how much you love or hate your Delaware workplace.

I can easily trace my interest in the power of employee engagement back to two very different work experiences I had in 1986. These experiences clashed so violently that the sparks that were created lit this philosophical fire in me which continues to burn today. As you might guess, one of the experiences was completely amazing, and one was an unmitigated clusterf-ck.

The amazing experience was working at the High Street Youth Hostel in Edinburgh, Scotland. That job provided a great example of what a business could be like and SHOULD be like. It had just been opened by Peter McMillian, who now owns the largest youth hostel chain in Britain, but at the time, he was just bootstrapping his first venture. The clusterf-ck was working at General Motors.

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