Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 20, 2011

Welcome to your Friday open thread. Our wonderful and yet Unstable Isotope is taking a much needed two week vacation to parts unknown. So please do not assume that her disappearance means she has been pre-Raptured.

Derrick Powell was sentenced to death today for fatally shooting Georgetown Patrolman Chad Spicer in 2009. However, it seems this is destined for a lengthy appeal, given the inconsistent verdict and the jury’s split decision on the death penalty recommendation.

The Bradley case is coming home. Back down to Sussex. This is due to the scumbag monster waiving his right to a jury trial. Since there is no jury, there is no need to change venue so that you get an impartial jury, which was the reason the trial was moved north in the first place.

Former President Dumbfuck is making big bucks on the speaking / lecture circuit. $15 million since he left office. He charges $150,000 a speech. More power to him, I guess. If I could make millions at something I fail spectacularly at, I would be laughing all the way to the bank.

No more Terminator 5. Now maybe Hollywood can come up with an original idea.

Bin Laden’s porn collection. It is safe for work.

Tim Pawlenty has a Mudd Moment.


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  1. jason330 says:

    That pic reminds me of a DL contributor.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL. The resemblance is striking.

  3. jason330 says:

    So these are the things we know about Tim Pawlenty:
    1) Totally NOT gay.
    2) Not sure why he wants to be President.

    This GOP field is making Ross Perot look good.

  4. Geezer says:

    Ross Perot? They’re making Alan Keyes look good.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Given how hard the GOP is working at creating an anti-Obama, I would not be at all surprised if T-Paw announced that he *is* Alan Keyes.

    Then the end of the world starts.

  6. Geezer says:

    They already have a new Alan Keyes in Herman Cain. Which brings up the question, if a black guy can name a pizza chain “Godfathers,” can an Italian start a fried chicken chain and call it “Gangbangers”?

  7. anon says:

    Overheard at the bridge:

    What… is your name?
    “I am Sir Scott of Brown, Prince of Massachussetts. ”

    What… is your quest?
    “I seek the holy spending cuts.”

    What… is your vote on the Ryan budget?
    “Yes. I mean N – AIEEEeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeee

  8. skippertee says:

    The fittings of the faithful for celestial robes ends this afternoon.
    The Son of God has other matters to attend to but he assures me the Rapture is NOT on for tomorrow.
    He plans a “Twitter Rush” gathering for our area somewhere tomorrow at 6PM where Jesus Christ,Superstar will be performed with He,of course, in the starring role.
    Although generally up-beat, I was struck dumb by the deep sadness in His eyes.
    Look into the eyes of people in despair and you’ll see what I saw.

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    Randy Macho Man Savage, the famous wrestler from the 80’s, died this morning in a car accident after suffering a heart attack behind the wheel. He was 58.

  10. Joe Cass says:

    Randy Savage beat the clock. For the rest of us, Sound of Sinners, from one of the greatest bands known for gospel, The Clash.