So, what is the Rapture anyway?

Filed in International by on May 20, 2011

Tomorrow is at least the 3rd time I recall the Rapture being predicted in my lifetime.

But what is it anyway? It is not the end of the world. It is more like an prologue to a book about the end of the world, and it is a long big ass book.

The Second Coming of Christ will occur in stages. First, He will remove all Christians from the Earth, to protect them. This is called “The Rapture.”

Now, most evangelical Christians I meet say it is not enough to just be Christian, you must be a believer. And it is not enough to believe in just Jesus Christ, but you must believe in pretty much every literal word of the Bible. For example, I have been told that I will be left behind because I believe in evolution, rather than the Genesis story (it is called a story for a reason folks).

But anyway, let’s assume here that God is a liberal God and not an angry hateful discriminating conservative God, and takes all Christians away.

After The Rapture, God will begin executing judgments against unbelievers, during a period called the Tribulation.

According to this guy Camping who predicted tomorrow as the Rapture, this Tribulation period will last until October 21. Other predictions and interpretations have it going on for years and years.

At the end of the Tribulation all nations will attack Israel, and Jesus Christ will physically return, leading the armies of heaven. At the Battle of Armageddon they will destroy everyone who is not a believer [while also fighting Satan, who also is in physical form]. Then Satan will be bound, and Jesus will set up the Millennial Kingdom, headquartered in Jerusalem. Jesus and the saints will rule over the nations of the Earth for a thousand years. During this period there will be people born who are not loyal to Christ. However, it usually will not be obvious. Therefore, at the end of the thousand-year period, God will release Satan and let him tempt those who inhabit the Earth. A large group will take up arms against the Lord and be defeated. Then, Christ will judge all who have ever lived, giving rewards to some and punishment to others. Those who were “destroyed” will be cast into the Lake of Fire, i.e., Hell. After that, God will destroy heaven and Earth because they have been polluted by sin. He will create a new heaven and a new Earth, put those who were saved on the new Earth, and rule it forever.

The one thing I take away from this story is that Jesus is not a big fan of Democracy and voting rights. “He will rule the Earth and all its nations for a thousand years?” Really? Who elected him? No term limits?

Another thing I take away from this story is that the Rapture and the subsequent Tribulation and the still further subsequent Thousand Year Kingdom and much further Second Battle of Armageddon (because a sequel would be so cool) is that it is all a prolonged example of incompetence. George W. Bush writ large on a biblical scale. I mean, after Jesus and the Saints destroy all nonbelievers in the first Battle of Armageddon, they somehow allow more nonbelievers to exist or be created, and they allow Satan to go on living, albeit bound. And then they release Satan after a thousand years, just to see what happens. What the fuck?

This Rapture story makes Jesus look like a Dr. Evil, or any Bond villain, in creating a very elaborate death scene for Austin Powers (sharks with freakin laser beams), and leaving the lair assuming that the deed is done.

Reading the Rapture story makes me less a believer, to be frank. I mean, I want my omnipotent God to not let Satan go once he has been captured. It really is not too much to ask.

Anyway, that’s what the Rapture is all about.

I think I am going to convert to Judaism.

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  1. Frank Knotts says:

    Tempting God? Always a good idea.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Ah, Mr. Frank Knotts. Our resident Harold Camping himself.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    “He will rule the Earth and all its nations for a thousand years?” Really? Who elected him? No term limits?

    This is the sign that Dick Cheyney is behind all of this, yes?

  4. Aoine says:

    well Frank – God made us with brains – we just chose to use ours.

    why? – don;t you think we should??? should we not laugh at ourselves for being the imperfect beings we are – does God really want us to take all this stuff so seriously

    gee, get over yourself….you dont like us tempting God – go back to your dark hole where all you prognosticate about is the judgements you levy against people who decided to USE and ENJOY the things that God gave us

    who or whatever we all individually feel that word (GOD) represents.

    Have you set yourself up as our judge?? do you somehow feel superior at what you perceive to be our imperfections and flaws??

    WOnder what God said about PRIDE and JUDGEMENT and SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS?? you should know….good luck with that.

  5. Someone told me the day was predicted because it is supposed to be 7000 days or 70000 days after some event.

    Is it me, or do you think someone as powerful as God would be held to a specific numerical timeline? I’m pretty sure if He wanted to start a ruckus he could darn well do it whenever the heck He wants.

    6pm on Saturday seems oddly specific for such a non-specific being.

    Just sayin.

  6. Steve says:

    Really? Still with the Bush derangement syndrome? I guess you’ll blame Bush if the world ends too.

  7. jason330 says:

    Let’s all agree to meet back here on the real EOTW rapture day. June 8th, 2023. Okay?

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Steve, just because Bush has been out of office for a while doesn’t mean he became more competent.

    He will always be the prime example of incompetence, at least until another Republican is elected.

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    Jason, actually, according to the Rapture story, the real end of the world (actual destruction of Earth) would be in 3012.

  10. jason330 says:

    That’s what they want you to think.