Delaware Liberal

Mitch Daniels will not run for President

Hahahaha. This is getting pretty pathetic for Republicans, and more hilarious for Democrats.

Gov. Mitch Daniels, R-Ind., said Sunday he won’t run for president because of family concerns, narrowing the field but making a wide-open race even hazier. “In the end, I was able to resolve every competing consideration but one,” said the former Bush White House budget chief, disclosing his decision in a middle-of-the-night e-mail to supporters. “The interests and wishes of my family, is the most important consideration of all. If I have disappointed you, I will always be sorry.”

A two-term Midwestern governor, Daniels had considered a bid for months and was pressured by many in the Republican establishment who longed for a conservative with a strong fiscal record to run.

Strong fiscal record? He was Bush’s budget director, and he was directly responsible for turning a $200 billion surplus into $800 billion deficit. Attention corporate media and their Republican friends, that is not a strong fiscal record. That is an amazingly weak fiscal record. Indeed, it is fiscal recklessness.

But there is no need for such reality from me, since Daniels hid behind his family as the reason he did not want to run rather than the fact that it will be very difficult to defeat the President. Indeed, a lot of more viable Republican candidates have bowed out.

Daniels’ close friend, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, surprised much of the GOP when he pulled the plug on a candidacy in April, and. Barbour privately encouraged Daniels to run. A week ago, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, the 2008 Iowa caucus winner, bowed out, followed quickly by celebrity real estate developer Donald Trump.

Add to that Chris Christie and John Thune, who both ran screaming from the prospect. And we are left with a GOP presidential field that the base of its own party is not happy with. Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, and Jon Huntsman. Which leads to me to return to my long held prediction: Sarah Palin will run for and win the GOP nomination.

Sarah Palin was asked on Fox News why she hasn’t made a decision about a presidential bid and whether she has the necessary drive to run.

“Oh, that’s a great question. I think my problem is that I do have the fire in my belly. I am so adamantly supportive of the good, traditional things about America and our free enterprise system, and I want to make sure that America is put back on the right track, and we only do that by defeating Obama in 2012. I have that fire in my belly.”

“It’s a matter for me of some kind of practical, pragmatic decisions that have to be made. One is, with a large family, understanding the huge amount of scrutiny and the sacrifices that have to be made on my children’s part in order to see their mama run for president. But yes, the fire in the belly? It’s there!”

Oh she wants to run. And I bet you her insane family wants her to win. It’s everyone else on the planet who doesn’t want her to run. But she will. Because she will see that it will be easy to win the nomination as the Anti-Romney candidate. She has no other competition, except Bachmann really.

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