Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 23, 2011

Another monster tornado kills hundreds, leveling a city. Yeah, climate change is just a myth. A myth that keeps on killing.

Harold Camping is flabbergasted that the world did not end Saturday. I am flabberglasted that he is flabbergasted.

Tim Pawlenty officially announced for President, saying his campaign will be one of truth. Well, I guess we can count in out as a potential nominee, since the GOP base does not accept truth, reality or facts from its candidates.

Speaking of the GOP 2012 primary, Michael Grunwald argues, and I agree, that if the Republican Party nominates Romney or Huntsman and either goes on to lose to Obama (which they will), then the GOP will lose its mind:

Remember, after its crushing defeat in 2008, the party faithful concluded that John McCain lost the election because he wasn’t conservative enough—and that George W. Bush lost his popularity because of his big spending. So the party moved even farther toward its right-wing base, casting away moderates like Arlen Specter, Charlie Crist and Michael Bloomberg. And its comeback victory in 2010 seemed to validate that strategy. A Huntsman or Romney defeat would just prove to the party that electoral salvation lies in ideological purity and rigid obstructionism, the kind of conclusion that already appeals to Tea Party activists who consider Obama some kind of tyrannical socialist usurper.

Which is why I believe the GOP Establishment will allow a Teabagger (Bachmann, Cain, Palin, Gingrich, etc). to win the nomination so that they will lose 40 states and 400 electoral votes. Just so that the Establishment can regain control of the party.

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  1. jason330 says:

    So if you are right (and I hope you are) the GOP convention (the week of August 27, 2012, in Tampa, Florida) is going to be a doozy.

    I can’t believe that it is only 15 months away.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Bob Cesca’s Awesome response to the Pawlenty announcement:

    Tim Pawlenty: F*ck Yawn!

    That one is worthy of a Google Bomb.

  3. fightingbluehen says:

    In a sport where the athletes are tested more than any other athletes in the world of sport, Lance Armstrong was never found guilty of using illegal substances even though he was under the proverbial microscope of the whole world.
    Now, do to petty shit ass partisan politics, OBAMA is going to try and ruin the reputation of one of our greatest athletes of all time.
    Nice isn’t it?

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Um…. how is it that President Obama is somehow responsible for Lance Armstrong taking drugs?

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Hooray for Tim *Crickets* Pawlenty!

  6. fightingbluehen says:

    You don’t think that the feds would threaten Tyler Hamilton with the standard ridiculous amount of jail time until he squealed on Lance Armstrong without a nod from the guy in charge do you ?

  7. fightingbluehen says:

    It’s a well known fact that Lance Armstrong is a Texan and a close personal friend of George w Bush. That is all the motivation this administration needs to nail him I would suspect.

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Ok… but you do realize that President Obama is not responsible for Lance Armstrong taking illegal drugs, don’t you? While he was a community organizer in the 1990’s and a state senator in the early 2000’s, Obama did not pin Armstrong down and force him to take performance enhancing drugs. You do realize that, don’t you?

    And if Lance did take those drugs, fuck his precious reputation. Because that reputation was based on lies.

  9. X Stryker says:

    You really ran out of material, huh, fbh?

  10. jason330 says:

    Oh man I thought he was kidding. Uh Yeah… Obama is bringing SEAL TEAM 6 in to nail Armstrong. *stepping backwards slowly*

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    If only Obama-haters would actually stick to reality, rather than invent insane conspiracies, I would have more respect for them.

  12. fightingbluehen says:

    The guy has been investigated for years and cleared of any charges of using illegal performance enhancing drugs.
    What possible motivation could the justice department have for besmirching the reputation of this man after he had been cleared already by the governing authorities of cycling ?

  13. cassandra m says:

    Is this what Fox Noise is telling its minions to talk about today? Sheesh….

  14. Geezer says:

    “What possible motivation could the justice department have for besmirching the reputation of this man after he had been cleared already by the governing authorities of cycling ?”

    Well, there would be the fact that everybody involved in cycling, the only exceptions being those on the Armstrong payroll, is absolutely certain he has doped, for the simple reason that everyone in the sport dopes and it would be impossible for a person to go from a #157 ranking to #1 AFTER treatment for cancer. Other than that, I can’t think of a reason.

  15. fightingbluehen says:

    You heard it here first cassandra.

  16. fightingbluehen says:

    He probably was doping, but that still doesn’t explain these actions, and yes I am always half joking with you guys because it’s fun, but I still think their motivation is partisan.

  17. fightingbluehen says:

    “Well, there would be the fact that everybody involved in cycling, the only exceptions being those on the Armstrong payroll, is absolutely certain he has doped, for the simple reason that everyone in the sport dopes and it would be impossible for a person to go from a #157 ranking to #1 AFTER treatment for cancer. Other than that, I can’t think of a reason.”
    Geezer, what you have explained is exactly why these guys are tested so thoroughly . Lance was subjected to these tests, scrutinized and re scrutinized and cleared. He was under the microscope of the Europeans for years, partly because they didn’t exactly enjoy when America dominated their sport.
    Now our own guys are going to get him.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    and guess what, if he DIDN’T dope, he’ll be fine. God forbid an American should be investigated for lying, cheating and conspiracy (all of which are alleged in this thread).

  19. They were tested and passed test after test. Four of his former teammates have testified UNDER OATH that they saw Armstrong dope.

    As to the idea of political motivation, are you serious? With Rethug officials like John Ensign making such ripe targets, you think that DOJ would care about THIS?

    I can just picture the order from the top:

    OBAMA: “Osama is small potatoes (he spelled it correctly, too). GET! ME! ARMSTRONG!”

  20. cassandra m says:

    Obama had a vendetta against Barry Bonds, too, also.

  21. cassandra m says:

    Bet UI bought this while she’s in London.

  22. How did you know Cass? ROFL

  23. anon says:

    Remember the girl who challenged Michelle Bachman? She’s getting threats from tea baggers.

    ” Myers challenged the Tea Party favorite in a letter dated April 29. After it started getting media attention last weekend, commenters on Tea Party websites have threatened to publish her home address and some have threatened violence.

    The 16-year-old from Cherry Hill says several commenters have called her a “whore.”

    Her father, Wayne, says he’s concerned for his daughter’s safety.

    But Cherry Hill Police Lt. William Kushina says anonymous online threats like these are usually empty.”

  24. cassandra m says:

    EVERYONE knows what a fan of hats you are, UI!