Delaware Liberal

Monday Open Thread

Another monster tornado kills hundreds, leveling a city. Yeah, climate change is just a myth. A myth that keeps on killing.

Harold Camping is flabbergasted that the world did not end Saturday. I am flabberglasted that he is flabbergasted.

Tim Pawlenty officially announced for President, saying his campaign will be one of truth. Well, I guess we can count in out as a potential nominee, since the GOP base does not accept truth, reality or facts from its candidates.

Speaking of the GOP 2012 primary, Michael Grunwald argues, and I agree, that if the Republican Party nominates Romney or Huntsman and either goes on to lose to Obama (which they will), then the GOP will lose its mind:

Remember, after its crushing defeat in 2008, the party faithful concluded that John McCain lost the election because he wasn’t conservative enough—and that George W. Bush lost his popularity because of his big spending. So the party moved even farther toward its right-wing base, casting away moderates like Arlen Specter, Charlie Crist and Michael Bloomberg. And its comeback victory in 2010 seemed to validate that strategy. A Huntsman or Romney defeat would just prove to the party that electoral salvation lies in ideological purity and rigid obstructionism, the kind of conclusion that already appeals to Tea Party activists who consider Obama some kind of tyrannical socialist usurper.

Which is why I believe the GOP Establishment will allow a Teabagger (Bachmann, Cain, Palin, Gingrich, etc). to win the nomination so that they will lose 40 states and 400 electoral votes. Just so that the Establishment can regain control of the party.

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