Delaware Liberal

Entitlement Reform

We must have entitlement reform! That’s been the mantra of the Republican lemmings that have been following Paul Ryan toward the horizon. They use the word entitlement like it is some sort of slur. “Why do those people feel entitled to anything?” And just so that we are clear, the entitlements on the table are for the old and the sick.

But I have seen the rise of entitlements in a different way. The way that the wealthy have decided that they are entitled to tax cuts. Why should I have to pay for rising medical costs on Medicare? I’m a job creator! The sense of entitlement is palpable. Tax increases are off the table.

Why? Because the wealthy are entitled to the protection of Congress. Because the wealthy are entitled to keep as much as they want. Because the wealthy are entitled to funnel huge sums of money to political campaigns to keep their taxes low.

That’s who feels entitled around here. And if you dare to agree with me, you’re engaging in class warfare. God forbid we should engage in class warfare after years of the cries of socialism, communism and wealth redistribution as the top 1% amassed more wealth in a rigged game.

And every time they get a tax cut, you know what they do, they ask for another. Talk about entitlement.

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