Archive for May, 2011

Over the Edge for Special Olympics!

Filed in National by on May 5, 2011 7 Comments

First, this looks like ALOT of fun. Second, this is a bipartisan effort to help raise money for Special Olympics Delaware. Third, hit the link to help these Osienski and Lavelle raise money. And fourth, I’m just going to post the entire Press Release so you have all of the details:

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Things That Hurt George W. Bush’s Feelings

Filed in National by on May 5, 2011 12 Comments

– Not getting enough credit for catching Osama Bin Laden.

– Not getting enough credit for the June 6th, 1944 invasion of Normandy .

– Not getting enough credit for Yale’s 1967 defeat of Harvard even though he “cheered his heart out for that one.”

-Not getting any credit for all the people he didn’t kill while drunk driving from 1969-1989.

– Being called “Jeb’s Slow Brother” his entire life until being elected President.

– Two girls were whispering at the mall that time …probably about him, although not 100% sure, but still, you know…it made him “feel yucky inside.”

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Feliz Cinco de Mayo a todos!

Filed in National by on May 5, 2011 4 Comments

A commenter sent me this email.  Thanks for the heads up! Today is the happy celebration of the fifth of May. And while not a major celebration South of the border it has become a tradition in the US. The Obama White House is also celebrating this festival at 5PM by having a Cinco de […]

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 5, 2011 13 Comments

The Thursday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show-Cinco De Mayo, 2011

Filed in National by on May 5, 2011 37 Comments

Gotta get this in before everyone, including me, finds themselves wasting away in MediocreMargaritaville later hoy. And what better morning pick-me-up than yet a third consecutive day talking about Senate roll calls?? Thought that’d get the sangre flowing. Some stuff I just can’t make up. Turns out there’s a le-e-e-tle progress, but not as much […]

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I Almost Forgot… There’s A Republican Presidential Primary Debate Tonight

Filed in National by on May 5, 2011 6 Comments

Here’s the line-up: Herman Cain, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico Ron Paul, U.S. Representative from Texas Tim Pawlenty, former Governor of Minnesota Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania That’s quite a cast of characters.  And from where I’m sitting only one, Tim Pawlenty, has a chance at winning […]

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Will Bin Laden’s Death End The Afghanistan War?

Filed in National by on May 5, 2011 4 Comments

Will Obama use his popularity bump from the success of getting bin Laden to end the war in Afghanistan?

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How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?

Filed in National by on May 4, 2011 32 Comments

I wish this guy was my state rep.

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Support Public Education & This Middletown HS Student’s Google Entry

Filed in National by on May 4, 2011 5 Comments
Support Public Education & This Middletown HS Student’s Google Entry

Check out this awesome artwork…

Now read the email below and vote

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The Cost of Tax Breaks for Jobs

Filed in National by on May 4, 2011 9 Comments

Via the Star-Ledger, we find that a NJ think tank — New Jersey Policy Perspective — has taken a hard look at the massive subsidies being funneled to private businesses in NJ and found that there aren’t many jobs associated with all of that money.  In the past two years, NJ has given out $822M in tax subsidies:

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If The UK Had Launched The Raid Against Osama Bin Laden

Filed in National by on May 4, 2011 7 Comments
If The UK Had Launched The Raid Against Osama Bin Laden

The Brits have their own style of doing things.

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 4, 2011 4 Comments

The Wednesday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 4, 2011

Filed in National by on May 4, 2011 4 Comments

Remember the nice things I wrote about the opening up of Senate procedures? Seems like it was just yesterday…because it was yesterday. The Senate has already returned to the bad old days of putting roll calls online. Four non-controversial bills, one on nutrients management, one on manufactured housing, one on abandoned property, and one on […]

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