Pew Research Reports: Top Reaction to GOP Field – “Unimpressed”

Filed in National by on June 2, 2011

Americans have decidedly negative reactions to the candidates running for the Republican presidential nomination.

Asked for a single word to describe the GOP field, the top response is a variation on “unimpressed,”

Other top responses:


The highest ranking “positive” term is the tepid.. “Good”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. I guess laughter wasn’t counted as a response?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    When you really think about though, who else is out there for the GOP? Who is their savior, the One that they are yearning for?

    Jeb Bush?

    Marco Rubio?

    Charlie Crist?

    Chris Christie?

    Mitch Daniels?

    Haley Barbour?

    Rick Perry?

    Sarah Palin?

    Donald Trump?

    Bobby Jindal?

    Nikki Haley?

    In 2016, Jindal, Haley and Rubio, along with New Mexico Governor Susanna Martinez, so long as all don’t screw up between now and then, will make very formidable candidates, if the GOP base can let go of their innate racism. But none of them are going to run in 2012.

    The rest of the field is savior field is weak and damaged.

    The best thing the GOP can do is to give in to their crazy, let Palin or Bachmann win the nomination, and let their insane primary voters see how their true and pure candidate fares in a general election (40 state 400+ electoral vote blowout, 60% of the popular vote for Obama).

  3. puck says:

    The thing is, if the economy and jobs keep trending down like they are poised to do – one of those clowns may win, as unlikely as it seems today. Just by running against Obama on jobs, gas prices, and tax increases.

  4. Geezer says:

    Then we’ll get the government we deserve.

  5. Auntie Dem says:

    Yeah Geezer except we don’t deserve that government. That government is being brought to us by FOX, Ailes, Koch Bros, Rove, et al.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Yeah, I’d dread Palin or Bachmann as the candidate because the country has shown itself as stupid enough to vote for George Bush. SO…

    And anyway, imagine if Palin or Bachmann did lose in a blow out. The only thing the wingnuts would learn would be that the liberal media threw it to Obama.

    That’s all the wingnut brain can accommodate.