Delaware Liberal

Sarah Palin™ and the Merry Teapartiers

Bus trips can be quite strange whether you’re riding with Willie Nelson on tour or on a megabus to New York City. But nothing — NOTHING — could be stranger than Sarah Palin’s™ recent bus tour of Jesusland. After the Republican Party finally recovered from Donald Trump’s cocktease about a presidential run, Sarah Palin™ has decided it’s time to muddy the waters and divert attention from those really running. For The One Who Killed Bin Laden, this is a win-win situation. Everyday that her bus tour motors on, the legions that follow Sarah Palin™ are once again mesmerized and a deflected by her sheer fanatical radiance and the apocalyptic possibilities that one day she may rule. The Palinites™ are groveling for any morsel, any shred of information that she might be throwing her Ski-Doo helmet into the presidential race − a race she cannot win. All the while if Sarah Palin™ is deflecting attention from those that are serious about running. As Eugene Robinson writes:

If her aim is just to get back in the news, reinflate the Palin brand and boost her speaking fees, then party leaders have every reason to be pleased. In the unlikely event that she’s actually running, they have every reason to order another Scotch.


But the fact that Palin’s ego trip so easily stole the spotlight from the actual Republican candidates shows what a challenge the party faces in trying to deny President Obama a second term.

Thank you, Sarah Palin™.

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