Delaware Liberal

Traffic Schmaffic – Middletown to Rehoboth in a Measly 4 Hours and Loving It!

It is summer in Delaware, so time to complain about how long it takes to get from where you are, to the beach.

So many other stupid motorists clogging up the roads, so many glances at the speedometer reading 5mph. *sigh*

What to do?
Take a tax payer funded hop on a New Jersey state police chopper? I guess if you are some fat loser Republican.
Leave for Dewey at 3:00am? Maybe.

Just don’t do this one thing…DON’T build any more roads. That is a sure fire way to make a bad traffic situation worse.

Now a study from the University of Toronto confirms it: Expanding highways and roads increases congestion by creating more demand. The disheartening study used data from hundreds of metro areas in the U.S. to reach the conclusion that there is a “fundamental law of highway congestion,” which essentially says that people drive more when there are more roads to drive on–no matter how much traffic there is. As a result, increased building of “interstate highways and major urban roads is unlikely to relieve congestion of these roads.” Not even building more trains, buses, and light rail can help with the traffic problem.

So much for my boat service from the Wilmington Riverfront to Lewes idea. Although, while it would not impact the traffic sitch, it might be a pleasant way to spend the first few hours of your beach vacation. (Angel investors, let’s do lunch.)

So what does help? The University of Toronto researchers offer just one suggestion: congestion pricing. It’s a pain for commuters, but that’s sort of the point. People are desperate to drive, so if you want less traffic, you have to make it harder for them.

Toll booths!! It is a win/win. More regressive taxation and fewer cars on the road.

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