Delaware Liberal

DeLuca: ‘No Comment’ on DelCog/PDD Request. Butler: ‘Don’t blame me (or Beau), It was the Gen Assembly’

Chad Livengood reports on the not so shocking reactions.

Butler’s dissembling hoax wrapped in a joke of a pretext is complete bullshit, but I liked this little shot that Butler takes at George Bush:

“The General Assembly enacted the ‘security exception’ to the FOIA law in the wake of 9/11. Like so much of the activity at that time, it was done hastily and with little long-range planning,” Butler wrote.

Invasion of Iraq = Putting DeLuca behind a security cordon of secrecy

If you are keeping score at home…

Now that the reactions are in, the last act in this drama is for Ron Williams to write a “Nothing to see here folks, move along.. Move along now” column and then the curtain comes down and we all let this whole episode fade into the mists of Delaware Way history.

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