Delaware Liberal

Weekend Open Thread

It’s the weekend, and here is your Open Thread.

Quiz time! What does your car say about you? 20 questions that are supposed to get at your vehicle signification. Based on my answers, my car says:

You are a typical road user; the car plays an important role in your life but it must be reliable and easy to live with, and most of all safe.
Your car says to other people that your family, and their wellbeing, is your first priority.
If there’s money there to be spent, you’d rather it go towards ‘the more important things’ in life.


So what do you think? Does your car say something about your personality?

Even more fun — Sean Hannity interviews some random group of so-called experts who want you to know that Sesame Street will make your children into fabulous gay socialists. Seriously, watch this bit of pathetic bullshit:


Everytime you think that GOP clownshow can’t get any worse, here they go. And Ken Blackwell as an expert at anything? Jesus, this fool probably thinks Sesame Street is responsible for the fact that he can’t count.

What interests you this weekend?

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