Delaware Liberal

The Most Prominent Politicians from Delaware

Erik Loomis over at Lawyers, Guns and Money is working on a project to identify the most prominent politicians from each state. He is working on this in order of admission to the Union, which means that a survey of Delaware’s politicians is up first in this task. And he finds the list of Delaware locals to be “pathetic” or “underwhelming”. Hmmm. I’d probably agree with that. Anyway, his list includes (you have to hit up his post to see his justification and context, there’s too much to reasonably repost here):

1. Joe Biden
2. William Roth
3. Thomas Bayard
4. Honorable Mentions:

By any rights, none. But given the fact that Bayard is #3, we might consider Caesar Rodney (Attorney General under Jefferson and the obscure man on the Delaware quarter), John Clayton (Secretary of State under Zachary Taylor), and that’s about it.


Who did he miss? John Dickenson seems like he should go on this list.

And if you go over there to represent, keep it civil over there…..

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