Delaware Liberal

Tom Carper on the Wrong Side of Yet Another Senate Fight

On one side we have consumers and mostly the middle to lower-middle class bank customers that get whacked by usurious bank transaction fees. On the other side you have biggest banks on Wall Street, the same banks who’s losses were papered over by your tax dollars, the same banks run by the same people who’s stratosphereic salaries that are protected by the Treasure Department as though their personal success was some how linked to our success as a country.

Who do you think Carper is lining up to fight for? Who do you think Carper has chosen to represent?

A fight raging in the Senate over credit card swipe fees could come to a head this week, pitting two Democratic camps against each other: populists vs. Wall Street supporters. Senate could vote as early as Wednesday on a bill that would delay new rules passed last year that cap swipe fees banks can charge merchants.

What’s even more shitty, Carper is standing in Jon Tester’s shadow on this. And for good reason. Tester is getting killed by the press and public in Montana.

To understand how Tester’s efforts are playing back home, just look at the headlines in local newspapers. “Tester Sticks With Banks on Debit Card Swipe-Fee Issue,” read one that appeared in both the Billings Gazette and the Helena Independent Record last month.

“U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., self-proclaimed defender of the little guy and rural America, has sided with the banking industry on the issue of debit-card ‘swipe fees,’” the story began, “and the owners of convenience stores and other retailers aren’t happy with him.

It makes you wonder what NJ headlines would look like if the News Journal was an actual newspaper.

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