Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on June 13, 2011

Welcome to your Monday open thread. It’s Monday again. Time for the work week to begin for many of us. I don’t know about you, but I miss the weekend already.

While we’ve all been following the events in Wisconsin quite closely, we should probably keep our eyes on Florida as well. Rick Scott is the most unpopular governor in the nation and this will have consequences.

​Next month the Broward County Police Benevolent Association is holding a “Party to Leave the Party” — an event coordinated with the Supervisor of Elections where police officers and the general public can switch their voter registrations from Republican to Democratic or Independent.

The reason for the switch? The association, which serves as the bargaining union for the county’s law enforcement officers, is unhappy with the leadership of Governor Rick Scott and the results of the past legislative session, including changes to the Florida Retirement System that will require the workers to pay more of their own wages into retirement savings.

“[Governor Scott’s] union dues deduction bill is a flat-out union-busting bill,” says Hanrihan. “Under the law, a government agency wouldn’t be allowed to collect union dues if it was involved in political campaigns.” He notes that Scott had “no problem” taking money from the police union in the past election. Scott did get significant pushback on the bill from some Republican representatives, but the House eventually passed it.​

You don’t have to be a union member to realize they are almost all we have in fighting corporate power. The idea of removing the last bit of worker protection is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way. 2012 is going to be a really important election in determining the direction of our nation.

I missed this earlier in the week. John Stossel of Fox News Business had Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson debate an Obama impersonator.

I have no idea why Gary Johnson would agree to do something so silly. Does Johnson thinks it helps him?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Johnson would do something this silly because he has an audience who finds this kind of thing engaging. Hoods In the House plays to the teajadi cohort who think that a black man in the White House is a personal affront to *them*.

  2. socialistic ben says:

    johnson did it because he is a libertarian…. the Pauly Shore of political ideology

  3. Free Market Democrat says:

    The really amazing thing is that Johnson still lost.

  4. puck says:

    Here we go again. Jobs collapsing, corporations and the wealthy sitting on trillions of dollars, and…

    Obama tries to woo back Wall Street

    President Obama is seeking to regain support from Wall Street executives following a rough patch in their relationship, The New York Times reported Monday.

    And he is bearing gifts:

    President Barack Obama’s advisers have discussed seeking a temporary cut in the payroll taxes businesses pay on wages as they debate ways to spur hiring amid signs that the recovery is slowing…

    And also is pushing to make the worker-side payroll cuts permanent. More defunding of Social Security!

    No demand-side policy; no real jobs bill in sight.