Speakout for Good Jobs Now Tour
ProgressiveCongress.org in conjunction with the Congressional Progressive Caucus is sponsoring a Congressional listening tour — the Speak Out Tour — of the US, with the goal of giving Americans a chance to talk about the thing they most care about, jobs:
Share your stories of how the economy is affecting your life and your ideas for how we can rebuild the American Dream.
It kicks off on June 18 in Minneapolis at NetRoots Nation and the closest it gets to us is in Philly on July 19.
No surprise that nothing is being hosted here in Delaware by Rep. John Carney. But it would be worthwhile to call his office and ask if he will be hosting one of these. Even better, does anyone follow his Twitter account? Maybe asking there might get an interesting response.
Seriously, folks — you have to ask him about this. Getting this Congress refocused on jobs won’t happen from our keyboards. Help create a demand for a forum *here* to talk about jobs and how to get people back to work. Otherwise, there will be one more Congressional Break where the only thing he’ll want to talk about is the deficit and the debt.
just posted:
@John_Carney would be nice if DE’s Rep Carney would join Congressional Progressive Caucus, and its cpc.grijalva.house.gov/index.cfm?sect… summer job tour
PB: John Carney is no liberal or progressive he is a center right democrat! I want to take issue with what Senator Coons stated on WDEL with Alan Ludell. The Senator is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and he is worried about Pakistan, and “Iran”?
Pakistan perhaps, but why Iran? The non partisan 16 US intelligence agencies plus the IAEA have stately clearly “there is no evidence that Iran is posing a nuclear weapons problem”! Its a flat out lie. The IAEA former and current directors have stated clearly: We have cameras, satelittes and people on the ground watching every move they make, they have done nothing towards building a nuclear bomb. Senator Coons are you listening to AIPAC and the zionists? Are you going to follow the Bush regime who refused to listen to OUR intelligence agencies prior to the illegal attack on Iraq? Our intelligence people were correct then and now. So my question has Chris Coons accepted the lies of the zionists over our intellligence services and the IAEA? See Seymour Hirsch New Yorker magazine article. Hirsch was on Democracynow.org last week and spoke in detail about this issue. He was warning our government not to fall for another trap that would create WW3, if Iran is attacked. This is nothing more than a deflection by Israel who have hundreds if not thousands of nuclear bombs and who refuse to let the IAEA in to see, and refuse to sign the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, which Iran has.
This is what I sent just now:
@John_Carney will you have Progressive Congressional Caucus in DE for summer job tour?
I recognize where John Carney has been on issues in the past.
As US Representative, he comes up for a state-wide vote every two years. Given that our state is not a ‘center-right’ state, there is certainly a chance that, with proper prodding by voters, he will shift to better match our state.
This won’t be accomplished by writing him off as an intractable ‘center-right Democrat,’ but rather regularly reminding him that voting Democrats want him to shift his stance to better serve Delaware.
The congressional progressive caucus has been doing a great job, in not whining, but rather in providing concrete alternatives for the country, and our representatives, to consider.
Carney was a blank slate to me, but he lost me with his Concord Coalition workshop. All deficit all the time, based on a dubious 40-year deficit projection graphic. The way we were steered into the Republican frame was like getting a damn rightwing push poll. With no mention of jobs, or how to reverse the policies that are shrinking the middle class.
Plus being out in front with a call for Weiner to resign. I even half agree with him, but Carney needs to establish some Democratic cred before he tries to play consigliere. It is unseemly for a DINO to be calling for the resignation of a progressive. Now from Pelosi, I take it seriously – get the difference?
I’ll keep an open mind on Carney but I am not hopeful. I guess he will be with us on a few “generic Democrat” issues where I can support him.
PB is right; maybe a close election will drive him closer to Democrats. I’ll keep a candle in the window for Carney.
Are these going to be rallies to promote Right to Work legislation? RTW states lead the nation in job growth. I agree that they should definitely come to Delaware.
Yea, RTW for less money and benefits than UNIONS provide as a matter of course.