Delaware Liberal

Friday Open Thread

Welcome to your Friday open thread. Wooooooo! Happy Friday! That is all. Spill your guts below.

Herman Cain is a big baby. A few weeks back, Jon Stewart did a piece on Cain’s idiotic proposal that he would only sign bills 3 pages or less long.

Speaking Wednesday at the Iowa Falls Fire Department, Herman Cain lashed out at Jon Stewart, claiming that Stewart was only targeting him “because I’m black”:

I did an interview on Sean Hannity’s show on the way over here. I had been traveling the campaign so much I did not hear what Jon Stewart said on Chris Wallace’s Sunday morning show last Sunday. Where he was mocking my three page bills. Did you see that show? And then he mocked me with a, you know, Amos and Andy type brogue. And Sean said you didn’t see that? And I said no Sean, I didn’t see that, I’m out campaigning. And so they played the clip. And I said well Sean first of all if he really thinks that I’m serious about a bill only being three pages the joke’s on him. And I said secondly, as far as him mocking me, look I’ve been called every name in the book because I’m a conservative, because I’m black.

Sticks and stone may break my bones, words are not going to hurt me. I was on that radio show because a happen to be an American black conservative. I labeled my self. I’m an American Black Conservative, an A-B-C. They keep trying to put labels on me. I have been called “Uncle Tom,” “sell out,” “Oreo,” “shameless.” So the fact that he wants to mock me because I happen to be a black conservative, in the words of my Grandfather, “I does not care. I does not care.”

No, Mr. Cain, Jon Stewart made fun of you because your proposal was idiotic. Also, what is an Amos and Andy type brogue? I have no clue.

Rumors are that Rick Perry will run for president (yes, of the UNITED States, the clown). Republicans are still holding out for a hero and I guess they thought a Texas governor would be a good possibility. What could possibly go wrong there? This is just painful though:

Gov. Rick Perry received a tepid response when he addressed the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials on Thursday, joking about the pronunciation of a Hispanic appointee’s last name and frequently staring blankly at the audience when they failed to respond to his conservative applause lines.

But a joke about how perfect it was to appoint Jose Cuevas to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission because his name sounds like Jose Cuervo – a brand of tequila – fell flat. Perry struggled to regain his confidence as he described Texas as a land of opportunity.

Ladies and gentlemen, the comedic stylings of Rick Perry.

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