Gawd Oh Mighty! Democrats Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!

Filed in National by on June 29, 2011

I have not been watching news or reading many blogs (other than the ever optimistic Daily Kos) because it is just too depressing.

I just stopped pointing and laughing at the GOP for two minutes to read the top few posts at and I realized how right I am to ignore the Democrats.

Obama seeking “partners” for 2012 campaign – only big money need apply

Let’s all cut Medicare since it’s like our only winning issue against the GOP

China rolls out high speed train as US sells off infrastructure

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Ralph says:

    No more TV or web politics for me, unless something changes in the way our country makes decisions. Having our political system up for sale is just too grotesque and absurd. I can’t very well cheer for the Democrats when they are peddling the same used spit as the Republicans.

  2. Americablog is deeply silly and I stopped reading it a long time ago.

  3. donviti says:

    stopped reading it b/c you didn’t like the news?

  4. I stopped reading it because it’s part Od the perpetual outrage machine. It’s one of those blogs that keeps saying Democrats are getting ready to do something terrible we must be outraged! And most of the time they were wrong. I’m sorry but any blog pushing some kind of let’s primary Obama nonsense has no idea how to get things done in government.

  5. puck says:

    Buck up and stop whining.

  6. Auntie Dem says:

    It is an off election year. Things will get better.

  7. puck says:

    My beef is with the perpetual passivity machine, which stands by and celebrates our rightward drift as “getting things done.”

    Politics is biased toward money. It is easy to get Republican things done; but you have to work harder to get Democratic things done.

    Democratic elected officials smugly assume they will keep their base because “We’re just a little bit better than Republicans.” Anything we can do to shake up their complacency can only help. Letting them off the hook time and time again helps the Republican agenda.

  8. cassandra m says:

    Actually, the perpetual passivity machine is largely of the complain on the internets stripe. If these folks were in the business of applying some political pressure, getting things done would look awfully different.

  9. puck says:

    I love the narrative of Dems standing strong on tax increases in the debt talks. But it will only make the final capitulation that much more crushing.

    If Dems give in on taxes or Medicare, it will make the 2010 enthusiasm gap look like a pothole.

    Remember – we have to get ourselves energized:

    President Obama is one person…he’s got a job. You know, we’re paying him to do a job, so we can’t say, “Hey, can you take some time off and get us all energized?” So we better figure it out.

    It begins with us.

  10. puck says:

    Actually, the perpetual passivity machine is largely of the complain on the internets stripe

    Well, the Internets is now our public forum equivalent to the traditional tavern or town square. That is where America traditionally makes its sentiments known, and you are kidding yourself if you think politicians aren’t monitoring and paying attention.

    If you own a microphone it’s up to you to help change the pitch of the noise coming out of the Internet.

    And you know, it is possible to state your views on the internet AND through traditional political channels. Some of us can chew gum and walk at the same time.

    It is a false premise that being active on the Internet means you aren’t active elsewhere.

  11. cassandra m says:

    The tone of the debate ≠ political pressure.

    But you can tell you are a Democrat by your concern re: *the tone of the debate*.


  12. Jason330 says:

    I’m not debating anything. I’m just keeping my eyes shut tight for the next 16 months.

  13. cassandra m says:

    Progressives R Us

  14. donviti says:

    Progressives R Us
