President Obama News Conference Now

Filed in National by on June 29, 2011

Use this as discussion thread if you are listening.

WDEL is broadcasting this live and they’ll start in a few minutes.

MSNBC is live streaming video.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. puck says:

    The message of the day is “balanced approach.”

    I started watching where Obama was finishing his opening remarks by saying defict talks needed to take a “balanced approach.”

    Ben Feller as usual gets the first question and cuts right to the heart of it (paraphrase):

    “Will you insist that a deal has to include tax increases? Is that a red line for you? and if so how will you get that through Congress? ”

    Obama is talking but still hasn’t answered this while I am typing. He has mentioned entitlement cuts though.

    I think what Obama is saying is that Republicans will capitulate because they will be embarrassed to keep on defending wealthy corporations and individuals. Seriously. That’s the strategy.

  2. donviti says:

    President Obama makes news, by having a news conference.

    Less than any other president including Bush.

    What a leader

  3. donviti says:

    Did Obama just say that there are 100,000 Afghan troops?

    (fyi, that can’t read or write…still) assuming that number is even correct.

    Is there anything more political than saying you are getting troops out of a country, when you were the guy that put them in there?
    Can you really boast about bringing 30,000 people home when you put them there?

    Wait, wait, he’s a Dem. He knows what he is doing.

  4. donviti says:

    Obama refuses to say if he supports Gay marriage answering a reporters question, “I’m not going to make news on that today”


  5. socialistic ben says:

    i think he sees himself as a liability to it. If he endorsed same sex marriage, he can then be used as an argument against it. Remember, if Obama is for something, all GOP, Fox news and Nascar fans are against it.

  6. donviti says:

    obviously he does.

  7. delbert says:

    He’s there to talk about the deficit, budget, and tax issues; not social issues.

  8. socialistic ben says:

    honestly dude, did you watch ANY of the press conference other than the part where he said he wasnt gonna talk about same sex marriage?

  9. donviti says:

    sure did.

    He’s bringing troops home that he put there

    He wants congress to not be on vacation

    his kids do their homework early

    He doesn’t want to upset Wall St with this debt thing

    Libya is bad. He said so

  10. donviti says:

    He would pay his car bill before his mortgage

    Congress said it was ok to spend the money and now want to change it

  11. fightingbluehen says:

    More shovel ready jobs? I thought that was the first and second stimulus. This guy is too much. What a salesman a used car salesman.

  12. puck says:

    Ben Feller’s follow-up article uses some words I never would have thought of to describe Obama’s press conference: “confrontational,” “aggressive,” and “blistering.”

    Me, a couple of times I was afraid Obama was going to fall asleep before he finished his sentence.

    I guess Feller thought Obama might become inspired to fit the description.

  13. I think Obama did some smart framing – everyone else vs. rich guys with jets, and Republicans are the party of jets and oil execs. He also framed a “do nothing” Congress who couldn’t do their own job. This is smart since Obama is much, much more popular than Congress.

  14. cassandra m says:

    I think that comparing Congress to your teenagers and having your teenagers look better counts as confrontational. You are never going to get the belligerent beefing from Obama that BushCo was good at. The belligerent beefing certainly looked confrontational, but was stupid as hell. Some people like this kind of thing, though.

    There was definitely some smart framing done by Obama and what I saw of it made me wish that there were more Dems that would pick up the ball and flood the zone with this stuff.

  15. cassandra m says:

    Nancy Pelosi seems delighted by this framing.

    “Bravo! This is the fight House Democrats have been making for the last six months under the Republican Majority as they move to end Medicare and continue tax breaks for Big Oil,” Pelosi said in a statement.

  16. skippertee says:

    Sorry, he still came off as wishy-washy to me.
    More of the PUSSY PULPIT!

  17. Republicans did leave themselves open to Obama’s frame of I’m the daddy, Congress is children when Boehner and McConnell pitched a fit and said the president must intervene.

  18. Skip,

    Since female genitalia are a good thing, Obama thanks you for the compliment.

    Here’s a transcript where Obama is whipping Congress around:

    One of the parts of Obama’s press conference this morning that I especially liked was the president’s pushback against the notion that he’s been a passive observer in this process.

    “I’ve got to say, I’m very amused when I start hearing comments about, ‘Well, the president needs to show more leadership on this.’ Let me tell you something. Right after we finished dealing with the government shutdown, averting a government shutdown, I called the leaders here together. I said we’ve got to get this done. I put Vice President Biden in charge of a process — that, by the way, has made real progress — but these guys have met, worked through all of these issues. I met with every single caucus for an hour to an hour and a half each — Republican senators, Democratic senators; Republican House, Democratic House. I’ve met with the leaders multiple times. At a certain point, they need to do their job.

    “And so, this thing, which is just not on the level, where we have meetings and discussions, and we’re working through process, and when they decide they’re not happy with the fact that at some point you’ve got to make a choice, they just all step back and say, ‘Well, you know, the president needs to get this done.’ They need to do their job.

    “Now is the time to go ahead and make the tough choices. That’s why they’re called leaders…. They’re in one week, they’re out one week. And then they’re saying, ‘Obama has got to step in.’ You need to be here. I’ve been here. I’ve been doing Afghanistan and bin Laden and the Greek crisis. You stay here. Let’s get it done.”

  19. Heh. He was too busy killing Bin Laden and stuff.

  20. puck says:

    John Boehner on tax cuts, September 2010:

    “If the only option I have is to vote for those at 250 and below, of course I’m going to do that.”

    But of course, Obama went ahead and gave Boehner another option; the one he had been hoping for. And so here we are.

  21. Anon says:

    r y cllng bm pss? RCST!!!!! (Thr, svd y lbrls frm syng t, snc w cnsrvtvs hv bn nfrmd tm nd gn b lbrls tht ll crtcsm f bm s ltmtl rtd n hs bng vwd s n ppt blck mn b th prsn mkng th crtcsm.)

  22. skippertee says:

    UI, female genitalia is/are/am a good thing!
    But I was referring to baby kitties.

  23. Von Cracker says:

    I don’t get the whole “got to be on tv and say words” = being a leader, as dv suggests.

    The only thing I can derive from that sentiment is dv, along with the other narritive pushers, left and right, has a hard time figuring out what a leader actually does, and lack the understanding that there are completely different ways/styles in doing it.

  24. Rusty Dils says:

    Do you think that there is even one person in all of Europe who thinks Obama has been helping with the crisis in Greece.

    If you pull my left leg it plays jingle bells