Delaware Liberal

Sunday Reads

This has been a glorious weekend to be outside, but in case you are in and looking for something interesting to read, here are a few suggestions:

Kabuki Democracy: Why a Progressive Presidency Is Impossible, for Now — this is a year old, but still has alot of wisdom about the state of Progressive politics and is worth reading in its entirety if you haven’t.

This house believes that the internet is making journalism better, not worse. — The Economist conducts internet-based Oxford-style debates on various topics and this week they took on the News vs the Internet. Jay Rosen takes the proposer side and Nicholas Carr takes the opponent side. These debates (including comments from viewers) take a few days. That link is the Opening Day arguments, the second day rebuttal is here, and there will be more next week.

Major General James Cartwright: Budget cuts could force a return to the draft — This is a short read, but take note of this. I think that this is the first appearance of a line of argument against defense cuts that we’ll be hearing alot more of.

THE PROGRESSIVE PLEDGE: What Candidates Must Believe to Earn My Vote — This blogger has taken the Teabagger Candidate’s Pledge (the one that claims that African American families were much better off under slavery) and drafted his own Progressive’s Pledge. You need to go see the whole thing, but here is a bit juxtaposed with the Teabagger one:

Teabagger (TB) Pledge: 1. I promise Personal fidelity to my spouse.

Progressive (PR) Pledge: 1. I pledge that My intimate relationships are none of your goddam business. Initials:_____

TB 2. Respect for the marital bonds of others.
PR 2. I don’t give a shit about the marital vows of others. Initials:_____

TB 3. Official fidelity to the U.S. Constitution, supporting the elevation of none but faithful constitutionalists as judges or justices.
PR 3. I will uphold the US Constitution and its separation of church and state, and I particularly note that it never mentions God, Jesus, or the Book of Leviticus. Initials:_____
TB 12. Recognition that robust childbearing and reproduction is beneficial to U.S. demographic, economic, strategic and actuarial health and security.
PR 12. I don’t give a shit whether you have kids, how many kids you have, or whether you own pets. I would prefer, however, that mega-church morons who think that Moses came down from Mount Vernon and gave George Washington the Declaration of Independence stop breeding altogether. Initials:_____

What are you reading today?

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