Carney Aware of Republican Intransigence, Favors Long Term Solution to Boehner’s 6 Month Partisan Electioneering Contraption
While John Carney is far too conciliatory toward Republicans for my taste, according to his Communications Director, James Allen, the Congressman does realize that Republican intransigence is what has gotten us to to the brink of economic calamity, not Republican AND Democratic intransigence.
Allen told me that Carney’s statement to John Taylor in this content Delaware clip was related more to the overall atmosphere of partisanship in Washington in general rather than the debt ceiling.
Listening to the clip again, I’m not blown away by that explanation, but at least there is this NJ editorial which supports the argument that Carney is aware which party is trying to fuck the country sideways for partisan gain.”>Unfortunately, tea party Republicans — a powerful voting bloc in the House — have refused to support a plan that includes any new revenue. Majority Leader Eric Cantor has led that group’s opposition to a balanced plan, effectively ending the momentum Speaker Boehner and President Obama had built for a compromise that would have produced real progress on deficit reduction.
I would argue that it is Republicans, not “Tea Party Republicans” that are the problem, but that is quibbling. At least Carney is willing to point the finger of blame where is belongs. Additionally, there is Carney’s longstanding commitment to the long term solution instead of John Boehner’s short term bullshit. That is comforting.
The bottom line is that Carney wishes everyone could just get along. Knowing what we know about Republicans, that is a pretty silly position – but it isn’t a dangerous position unless he wants harmony so badly that he votes with the Republicans.
Carney is a jackass. Typical Delaware Democrat HACK. He almost makes me yearn for the Carper/Castle/Roth delegation.
John Carney on Twitter just now:
JohnCarneyDE Watched both President Obama and Speaker Boehner’s speeches about the debt ceiling debate.
5 minutes ago
JohnCarneyDE It’s entirely clear that we’ve reached this point because Republicans are simply unwilling to compromise.
5 minutes ago
That’s more like it…..
How many of YOU have actually called the three blind mice? I call everyday. We all know they pay attention to phone calls and count. Carneys office told me last week that he was consulting with Chris Coons and Carper and would then make up his mind? What the hell…is this guy so stuck on stupid he cant make up his own mind…he has to call the consiglere Carper first?
I called them all this morning. I also got onto twitter and found the lastest reporting that the Boehner plan will get us downgraded. The short term bullshit isn’t going to satisfy the markets and has generated rating agency warnings.
The DE GOP came out with the stupid today, of course…