Delaware Liberal

President Obama Press Conference on the Debt Limit Open Thread

President Obama will address the nation tonite at 9PM to discuss the current state of play of resolving the debt limit standoff.

I imagine that this will be on the usual network and cable venues.

NPR will be broadcasting it live (WHYY)
No idea what WDEL is doing, but they often broadcast Presidential Press Conferences

White House website
MSNBC — not certain if they will live stream it, but they usually do.

Any other places where you can see or hear the press conference?

The two plans are summarized by Ezra Klein — Harry Reid; John Boehner and he takes a stab at the Compromise between the two.

And while we’re here, let’s remember how we got this massive deficit in the first place — How the Deficit Got So Big:

So while you are watching this play out, remember that what we are arguing over is how to pay off the credit cards and loans taken out to pay for the Iraq War, the war in Afghanistan, Medicare Part D and multiple rounds of tax cuts. Republicans (and their teajadi familiars) supported enthusiastically every bit of this and can’t find a way to support actually paying for it.

Use this thread to provide any updates you hear of and certainly use this as a live-blog thread when the President speaks.

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