Delaware Liberal

Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to your weekend open thread. As you can no doubt tell, I’m desperate the think or read about something other than the debt ceiling. It’s freakin’ depressing.

So here’s an icky story, courtesy of Wonkette:

It’s nice to hear a story once in a while about things finally working out for the world’s corrupt career politicians, isn’t it? Four-time Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards, now 83, was serving an 8-year sentence on bribery and extortion charges when he made a prison pen pal who turned out to be a very attractive blond 32-year-old lady who mysteriously fell in love with him. And now for some reason they are married. Fun history fact: Edwards was convicted on charges from crimes during his final term served in office, which he won in 1991 against KKK Grand Wizard David Duke. The AP article notes that Duke did not win because “business leaders feared Duke’s election would be devastating for the state’s convention business because of his extremist views.” Which is a reminder that somehow David fucking Duke made it onto a GOP gubernatorial ticket as recently as 1991. Jesus. Christ.


I’ll have to admit I don’t really get the point of trucknutz. It’s adolescent. However, I think this is an overreaction:

A woman with a fake set of testicles on her truck’s bumper is fighting the hefty ticket she got in South Carolina for allegedly violating an obscene bumper sticker law.

Police in Bonneau ticketed Virginia Tice, 65, at a gas station in early July after they saw a big, red plastic scrotum hung from the trailer hitch, The Charleston Post & Courier reported.

The case will go before a jury, according to Reuters.

Who will think of the children? I’m still pretty surprised that the woman is 65 years old. I guess some people never grow up.

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