Delaware Liberal

On Wisconsin

Jim Croce once famously sang that you “don’t mess around with Jim.” Well, you also don’t mess around with Bucky the Badger.

As UI wrote the other day, many of the recall elections in Wisconsin are scheduled for next Tuesday. And there have been some interesting developments of late. It seems that Marie Antoinette has been reincarnated in the form of GOP Senator Alberta Darling.

An interesting development in the Wisconsin recall wars: GOP state senator Alberta Darling, one of the top targets of the Dems’ recall drive, told a radio show host that those who are making over $250,000 should not see higher taxes because they are “not wealthy.”

Yes, the let them eat cake crowd of the GOP doesn’t believe that people making $250K or more are rich. I go to Wisconsin a few times a year (my in-laws live there) and I can tell you that the vast majority of people living there do not make anything close to that. Modest homes are almost everywhere in the district, which is north of Milwaukee. And Darling is vulnerable, having only won reelection in 2008 by about 1% of the vote.

And today’s version of the robber baron, the Koch Brothers, have financed a fraudulent absentee ballot initiative.

Is the Koch-backed conservative group Americans For Prosperity up to no good in the Wisconsin state Senate recalls?

As Politico reports, mailers have now turned up from Americans For Prosperity Wisconsin, addressed to voters in two of the Republican-held recall districts, where the elections will be held on August 9. The mailers ask recipients to fill out an absentee ballot application, and send it in — by August 11, after Election Day for the majority of these races.

This smacks of the dirty political tricks Bob Ehrlich and his campaign pulled during the election last November in Maryland.

Prosecutors say a recorded message that went out to more than 112,000 homes last Nov. 2 urged Democratic voters in Baltimore and Prince George’s County to “relax” and stay home because Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley and President Barack Obama “have already been successful.” In fact, the polls were still open.

Henson has acknowledged ordering the calls. He told The Baltimore Sun in November that the calls were “counterintuitive” and were intended to encourage Ehrlich supporters to get out and vote.

Fact is, the GOP has a long history of trying to suppress the Democratic vote, especially in minority neighborhoods, and a long history of dirty tricks (see Richard Nixon, et al). Oh how I wish some US Attorney would investigate these gangsters masquerading as businessmen and indict them for their misdeeds. But we all know that having money means you can get away with committing a crime (except for Leona Helmsly and Martha Stewart).

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